BEST Events
BEST 15 Year Anniversary
It was a heartwarming event that brought together the past and current BEST scholars, mentors, and supporters to reflect on the program’s growth and impact over the years. Alumni shared their stories of how the BEST program helped shape their careers, build lasting networks, and provide invaluable skills for personal and professional development and success. As we look forward to the next 15 years, we remain committed to empowering future leaders and fostering a community of lifelong learners. Thank you to everyone who has a part of this incredible journey!
STEM Club Panel 2024
An informative event for all those interested in STEM to be exposed to various clubs at Tufts. Club leaders promoted their club’s purpose and goals to underclassmen. They all came together to make buttons for their clubs at the end of the event!
STEM Fair Event 2024
Many BESTies showcased their projects at the JCC Atrium on February 21, 2024. From coding to building, they’ve used their knowledge to have interactive projects for the community. Some presented the work they’ve researched and shared their findings through an informative posterboard.
STEM Career Panel Event 2024
Many BEST students attended a career panel featuring Sanoli Boucher from Ocean Winds, Christine Barthelemy from Boston Children’s Hospital, and Meaghan Hopper-Berdik from Turner Construction.
Career Center Internship Grant Workshop Event
Some BESTies attended a workshop on January 31, 2024 in Nelson Auditorium to learn more about the internship grant offered by the Career Center and tips on how to make a great application.
Dassault Visit Event
Many BEST students visited Dassault Systemes on January 26, 2024. Students got a tour of the office, specifically the FabLab and EBC. Our very own BESTie Madeline Fabela who works there led the panel with other Tufts Alumni who were a part of the Dassault Grad Internship program where they talked about their experience in sales and how they applied their engineering knowledge when talking to customers.
Scholarships and REU Workshop Event
Some BEST students attended this workshop to learn more about scholarships and research experience for undergraduates on November 6, 2023 in Burden Lounge.
Academic Success Workshop Event 2023
Students participated in an Academic Success Workshop on October 30, 2023! Here they learned some about some strategies that can be used throughout the school year to help them achieve some of their academic goals for their own personal metric of success. They were also shown some useful resources on campus that could support them on their developmental journeys!
Turner Construction Industrial Visit
BEST students had an industry visit to Turner Construction on October 27, 2023. They received a tour of the site and learned some insight about the type of work they do.
Study Abroad Workshop Event 2023
Want to take a trip? Some of our lovely BESTies, Zari and Anneka, recounted their experiences as they studying abroad as part of the Tufts in Talloires and Tufts in Pavia program, respectively. From there, the student met with some representatives from the European Center to discuss all of the opportunities available to the students including scholarships and activities that students interested can try!
Amazon Robotics Trip Event
BEST students attended Amazon’s Robotics Day in Boston on September 29, 2023. BESTies attended many panels from various managers, engineers, and scientists learning about pathways after graduating, experiences from other employees, internships at Amazon, and more. They attended Battle of the Bots session of robots the employees coded and designed. And many BESTies had one-on-one coffee chats with recruiters.
Coffee with the Deans
We had lovely gathering with the deans, where all of the BESTies were able to have a casual chat over breakfast. Some of the First-Years gave an amazing presentation telling them what BEST is all about and the importance of having a network for students such as this. Then, we presented the deans with a gift made by some of our wonderful students.
Senior Degree Audit
The senior-year BESTies came together with purpose and anticipation to meticulously navigate the labyrinthine realm of degree audits. As they prepare for their impending graduation, they were able to get some assistance in strategizing what is needed to meet their degree requirements. We hope that from their time at Tufts, they are able to carry on with them the wisdom and memories of a transformative chapter that helped to prepare them for their future.
BEST Fall Seminar 2023
Throughout the fall semester, our First-Year BESTies partook in the BEST Seminar, where they gain insight to support their transition to Tufts University. The student gave presentations on topics such as “Understanding Core Values”, “Time Management”, and “Safe Spaces”. In addition, the First-Years created time capsules, filled with mementos for them to open upon graduation. Overall, it was a lovely semester and we wish the best for the students as they continue their journeys.
BEST Welcome Back Event 2023
To kick off the start of the fall semester, the BESTies gathered for our annual Welcome Back Event. This a space for the students to relax with some good food and games as they transition back into the college life and possibly share great advice to underclassmen. President Kumar arrived as a special guest, and the student present him with a gift, welcoming him onto campus.
Mathworks Visit Event 2023
On March 3, 2023, the BESTies visited the MathWorks, a global leader in technical computing and model-based design, renowned for its flagship products, MATLAB and Simulink. They were able to meet with some professionals and Tufts alum to discuss their path into the company and provide insight on their current experience and the opportunities provided to them at the company.
Engineering Pathway and Careers Panel 2023
Some Tufts alum came back and visited the students during Engineers Week! The panel spoke about their different pathways in STEM, be it pursuing graduate education or going directly into industry. They continued by sharing their experience being in an underrepresented field, providing insight on the resources they appreciated during their time at Tufts.
PTC Visit Event 2023
On February 3, 2023, our students embarked on a thrilling Industry visit to at PTC, a software company that offers popular platforms such as CAD. The students were able to talk with Jon Hirschtick, the founder of Solid Works and OnShape. Our students engaged in meaningful conversations with industry professionals and experts, expanding their networks and gaining valuable perspectives on the skills needed for success in the digital era.
Road to Grad School 2023
Some BESTies attended a workshop about the steps to take when applying for Grad school on Febuary 1, 2023. Thinking about the next steps in their future careers.
Giving Tuesday 2022
With BEST successfully running for its 13th year, it would be remiss to not acknowledge all of the contributions that have gone into the program over the years. This year, we have added some wonderful additions to the BEST program including our Industrial Visit, which give the BEST scholars some insight on all of the opportunities available to them. With continued support, we hope to have the BEST community continue to grow and flourish as a resource for the students.
Resume and Scholarship Workshop 2022
BESTies attended a Resume and Scholarship with Robin Kahan and Anne Moore on November 18, 2022, to learn more about how to write and improve their resumes and how to apply to scholarships for the future.
AECOM Visit 2022
Some BESTies had a visit to AECOM on October 14, 2022. They participated in building activities and learned more about what the company does.
Mentor and Mentee Meet Up 2022
BESTies from Class of 2026 meet their mentors from class of 2025 on September 23, 2022.
Six Flags 2022
BESTies from Class of 2026 spent the day at Six Flags in the summer of 2022! They ended the day of fun activities with a group photo.
End of BEST Seminar Celebration 2022
BESTies from the Class of 2026 celebrate the end of BEST Seminar 2022 with food, gifts, and watching soccer!
BEST Seminar Fall 2021
Each year in fall the first year BESTies attend a BEST seminar class. The objective of this class is as follows:
- To support first-generation college students in your transition to Tufts University
- To stimulate the development of cultural competencies, including social responsibility and respect for diversity
- To promote independence and self-advocacy when accessing resources or navigating preexisting support structures
- To encourage a self-reflective mindset while continuing to build community and shared understanding amongst BEST scholars within your own cohort
- To foster resiliency, purpose, and civic engagement, with the objective of breaking down systemic barriers, so that you can help pave a fairer path for others to follow
CSD End-of-Semester Celebration Fall 2021
The Center for STEM Diversity held an End-of-Semester Celebration for students in the LSAMP, BEST, and STEM Ambassador programs on December 10, 2021. Students participated in a Yankee Swap and enjoying stealing gifts from each other. The event concluded with a scrumptious dinner.
BEST Secret Santa
The first year BESTies had a Secret Santa event after their BEST Seminar class on December 6, 2021. Associate Dean LaMotte was invited to participate as well.
President’s Visit with BEST
President Monaco visited the BEST Seminar on Monday, November 15, 2021 where he shared his academic journey with the students. The students shared their stories with the President about the importance of STEM in underrepresented populations. The students gifted the President a 3D-printed BEST logo as well as a laser-cut keychain which they had made at the Nolop Center.
BEST Event for STEM Week
BEST students met Provost Aubry, Dean Lee, Dean Swan, and Dr. LaMotte during STEM Week at the BEST seminar class on October 18, 2021. Students spoke about the importance of STEM in their lives. The invited guests welcomed the students and gave advice for their experience at Tufts. Students learned the operation of the laser cutting machines and 3D printers at the Nolop and Bray maker space centers to make keychains of the BEST logo for the invited guests.
BEST Cohort Dinner 2021
All four BEST cohorts met on September 24, 2021 for a dinner.
BEST Welcome Event 2021
The BEST first-years and sophomores played games, ate lunch, and received certificates at the Welcome Event on September 7, 2021.
Class of 2021 BEST & BLAST Summer Banquet
Class of 2019 BEST & BLAST Summer Banquet
BEST Class of 2019 celebrates the completion of their program at the BEST & BLAST Summer Banquet in Alumni Lounge, August 6, 2015.
Class of 2018 BEST & BLAST Summer Banquet
BEST Class of 2018 celebrates the completion of their program at the BEST & BLAST Summer Banquet in Alumni Lounge, August 7, 2014.
Class of 2018 BEST Scholar Graduation Banquet
The Class of 2018 BEST Graduation Banquet took place on May 18, 2018 in the Sophia Gordon Multipurpose Room.