Academic Calendar

Religious/Holy Days

Tufts University celebrates and acknowledges the religious and philosophical diversity of its faculty, staff, and students.  

This multifaith calendar has been updated and expanded by the University Chaplaincy in collaboration with the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). It is provided for education and reference and includes dates, names, and descriptions of religious holy days. Because there are times when the academic calendar conflicts with holy days, faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to refer to this multifaith calendar when scheduling campus events.  Most of the events listed on the Tufts Multifaith Calendar page are drawn from the calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. Please note this calendar is not exhaustive, and we welcome feedback for inclusion of additional days at

Any Tufts University employee or student seeking religious accommodations related to their religious observance are encouraged to request of their supervisors or faculty reasonable accommodations related to classes and work.  

Employees and students seeking additional support may also refer to the University Religious Accommodations Policy or reach out to the OEO Accommodations Team.

The University Chaplaincy team also welcomes both questions and requests for additional information about religious and philosophical observances. You can find chaplain contact information here.