Get Your Transcript or Diploma

Official Transcripts

Your academic transcript is an official document that provides a comprehensive record of your academic performance as a student at Tufts. It includes details such as courses taken, grades received, credits earned, GPA (Grade Point Average), degree awarded (if applicable), and any honors or distinctions achieved during your enrollment. The transcript key is a guide that accompanies an academic transcript to explain symbols, abbreviations, and grading system used on the transcript. This key helps individuals interpret the information presented on the transcript, including course codes, grades, credit hours, and any other notations that may appear. The full key is available online with an abbreviated version printed on the back of the official transcript.

Tufts offers electronic delivery of transcripts and expedited delivery of paper transcripts through Parchment for a nominal fee assessed by Parchment. Parchment is a verified vendor for electronic transcript delivery.

  • You can request your electronic or paper transcript online through SIS (if you graduated or completed coursework in 2006 or later).
  • For those who graduated or completed coursework before 2006, you can request an electronic transcript through Parchment or a paper transcript via the Transcript Request Form.

Regardless of how you request a transcript, please keep the following policies in mind:

  • Most requests are processed within two working days, but it can take up to five days during peak periods (January, February, April, May).
  • Your records must be in good standing, free of financial or other holds before your transcript request can be completed.
  • If a request requires a form be sent with your official transcript, you must request your transcript be sent electronically through Parchment. These forms must be complete when attached to your transcript request.
  • For professional school transcripts, please contact the individual school.
  • Tufts Schools of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering along with University College do not charge a fee for paper transcripts to be sent standard ground mail. Students who wish to send a paper transcript with expedited shipping must do so through Parchment.  

Request an Transcript 

If you graduated in 2006 or later you may request a transcript online through SIS. Here’s how:

  1. Log into Student Information System (SIS) using your UTLN and password. Current students and alumnae can log into SIS using their Tufts credentials. If you do not know your Tufts credentials you can use Tufts Tools to recall or reset.
  2. Click the “Academics” Tab and select “Official Transcript.”
  3. Under “Select Request”, choose one of two options:
    • “Request Institution to Mail” - to have your transcript mailed directly to your address or a selected recipient.
    • “Hold for Pick-up” - to pick up your transcript at the Student Services Desk in Dowling Hall.
  4. ​Complete the following categories:
    • Academic Career, for example AS&E Undergraduate. If you completed coursework in more than one school you may want to select the Tufts All transcript if you want all your academic records from 2006 and later sent to the same address.
    • Select Processing Options
      • Choose to have the transcript printed immediately or at a future date, such as after grades are posted, you may want to choose this option to view the date in which your official grades will appear on your transcript as it may vary depending on the semester and student affiliation.
      • Choose the quantity you would like.
    • Recipient Address - if you are mailing the transcript choose: “Send to My Address” OR “Edit Address” to enter a new recipient.
  5. ​Click “Submit.”

Diplomas for AS&E Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Your diploma will be mailed to your diploma address, as entered in SIS as of your degree conferral date, 15 business days after your degree conferral. In the absence of a diploma mailing address, your diploma will be mailed to the home address as entered in SIS as of your degree conferral date.

A certified electronic diploma* will be available within 15 business days following your degree conferral. An email will be sent to your Tufts email address with instructions to obtain and share your electronic diploma the week following your conferral. 

*Electronic diplomas are available to the class of 2023 and later; alumni who graduated between 2016 and 2022 may request an electronic diploma, for a fee, through the replacement diploma process outlined below. 

Replacement Diplomas

  • You can request an English translation of your diploma by completing the English translation form. 
  • To request a replacement of your original diploma, please complete the Online Diploma Replacement Request Form.   (All fees are payable by MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express or Paypal).
    • If you will be requesting a replacement diploma with a name different than the name in our records, please submit a completed Name Change Form and then request your replacement diploma through the Online Diploma Replacement Request Form.
    • If you are also requesting a name change to update your Tufts record, please also complete a Name Change Form and follow instructions on that form to submit official documentation of your new legal identity. 
  • Once you have submitted the Online Diploma Replacement Request Form, your request will be reviewed within 3-7 business days.  If approved, you will be charged the applicable fees through the payment method selected.  If denied, the Diploma Office will be in touch with further instructions.
  • Diploma production takes 10-15 business days.  All domestic or international shipments will be mailed via USPS. 
  • For questions regarding diploma replacements, please contact Student Services @
  • If you wish to order a replacement diploma to be apostilled, you will also need to complete the Apostille Request Form (which can be emailed to and submit appropriate payment via check to the address noted on the form.   Please note that you will be requesting an Apostille on the Online Diploma Replacement Request form. The diploma will ship first to our office and then be notarized and submitted to the state for the apostille process. 

Please note: If you wish your replacement diploma to display a different name than the name in our records which better reflects your gender identity and are not also requesting a legal name change, please complete this form instead of the Online Diploma Replacement Request form. 

Request an Apostille

If you need an apostille to further verify the authenticity of your diploma you should submit the Apostille Request Form. Your will need to send your original diploma to the Registrar’s Office in order to verify and notarize the diploma copies created. If you do not have your original diploma, you will need to request a replacement diploma. Please note, this may add additional time to the process. If a transcript is required to be included in the apostille, complete the Transcript Request Form.

We will send all materials via FedEx to the Public Records Division within the Secretary of the Commonwealth, where the apostille is applied. The apostilled copies are sent back to the Registrar and then sent to the you via FedEx along with your original diploma.

The Apostille Request process costs $75 and may take a few weeks to complete. Checks should be made out to Trustees of Tufts College. Please contact us if you have questions or need additional information.