In collaboration with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, we recruit academically talented students from underrepresented groups into STEM disciplines.

We facilitate programming that fosters academic achievement and social development, which leads to high graduation rates and successful job placement.

The Center, the Bridge to Engineering Success at Tufts (BEST), STEM Ambassadors, and Redefining the Image of Science and Engineering (RISE) programs promote a supportive learning environment that give students the opportunity to succeed.

Redefining the Image of Science and Engineering (RISE)

RISE is an academic advising course designed to support to support historically underserved, academically talented students pursuing degrees in science and engineering. RISE scholars receive advising and mentorship, and academic credit for participation in weekly seminars that focus on navigating college life, exposure to faculty research, and professional networking. Through participation in social events and community-building activities, including company visits and lab tours, RISE scholars become members of a community of successful STEM students.

What the members of RISE have to say:

"RISE encouraged me to stay on a STEM track, and being part of a small group helped me to foster closer connections and friendships."

"The people in RISE reminded me that success is achievable for anyone who is willing to work for it, regardless of economic or racial factors."

"RISE gave me a small community of people that I could go to with my countless questions about the process of becoming a professional in my field."

Leadership Alliance

The Leadership Alliance seeks to train, to mentor, and to inspire a diverse group of students from a wide range of cultural and academic backgrounds to pursue competitive graduate training programs and professional research-based careers. It connects undergraduate students to rigorous summer research experiences at member universities through its Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP).

As a Leadership Alliance member university, Tufts matches students with faculty based on shared research interests. They conduct cutting-edge research and receive training and mentoring that prepares them to be competitive applicants for graduate school.

Science and Engineering Student Organizations

The Center for STEM Diversity serves as an umbrella organization for student chapters of science and engineering professional societies. We act in an advisory capacity to these societies, which include:

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
National NSBE website
Follow Tufts NSBE on Facebook

Out in STEM (oSTEM)
National oSTEM website
Follow Tufts oSTEM on Facebook

Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists (SOLES)
National SOLES website
Tufts SOLES website
Follow Tufts SOLES on Facebook

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
National SWE website
Tufts SWE website
Follow Tufts SWE on Facebook

Pre-Health Student Organization

The Center for STEM Diversity works in conjunction with the Tufts Pre-Health Advising group to support the diverse pre-health student population that is looking to attend professional school, including medical school, dental school, and veterinary school. For more information about these programs, please contact Carol Baffi-Dugan or Stephanie Ripley.

Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS)
National MAPS website
Tufts MAPS website
Follow Tufts MAPS on Facebook

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)

Tufts is a member of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP), a national program supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The goal of LSAMP is to strengthen the preparation, representation, and success of historically underrepresented students in the science and engineering fields, while encouraging graduate studies. Tufts is part of the Northeast LSAMP (NELSAMP) Alliance, which includes the University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Northeastern University, University of Rhode Island, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.


The T-TRIPODS DIAMONDS (Directed, Intensive And Mentored Opportunities iN Data Science) Summer Research program invites undergraduate students to participate in a 10-week summer research immersion experience at Tufts University. DIAMONDS is funded in large part through the National Science Foundation's Tufts T-TRIPODS Institute grant.