GLIDE Fellows, 2022-2023

Chelsea Blankenship
EdS candidate in School Psychology
"Establish 1st Gen Interest Group of National Association of School Psychologists"

Henry Chambers
MA candidate in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Leadership
"Develop DEI Recruitment Plan for the Fletcher School"

TJ Colvin
PhD candidate in Physics and Astronomy
"Establish Tufts Chapter of National Society of Black Physicists"

Rei Jia
MS candidate in Biology
"STEM Educational Outreach Partnership by Graduate Students"

Elijah Mensah
MA candidate in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning
"Evaluating the Efficacy of the Tufts Bridging Differences Program"

Jo Riddle
MS candidate in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning
"Spread Visible Awareness of 1st Generation (Graduate Student) Resources"

M.K. Titiati
MA candidate in Music
"Unity Across Faiths through Cultural Music"

Jing Wang
PhD Candidate in Chemistry
"Building Community through Cultural Food"