We support undergraduate students in the schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering to understand academic expectations, opportunities, and resources. We also connect undergraduates to academic supports and educational programs. Your team of advisors will grow as you continue to meet faculty and staff, and continue to explore your curricular and co-curricular interests. We also support faculty members who are looking for advising resources or assistance.

Support for Faculty Members

About Us

Our Mission

Academic Advising at Tufts fosters student growth, empowerment, and success by serving, advising, guiding, nurturing, and celebrating our students, and working with them and our faculty to solve problems so that students may successfully navigate the university. We focus on the academic aspect of students’ lives at Tufts, providing information, advice, and support to help them successfully complete their degrees in a timely manner while ensuring that our students have an enriching and rewarding academic experience. To that end, we provide students with advising, academic support, direction, and accurate information. We connect students with additional campus resources, including the StAAR CenterHealth and Wellness, the Career Center, and Scholar Development. We also provide academic enrichment programs and opportunities so that students may reach their full potential and achieve their best. We collaborate with faculty and other departments to advocate for students and improve the academic experience for all students as well as the policies governing undergraduate study at Tufts.

Our Philosophy

We believe that all Tufts students can be successful here, and we know that as students transition from high school to college and beyond, they will need more support at some times than at others. We believe that college students are capable adults, and we know they need guidance in making good decisions. We believe that college students must take responsibility for their own academic success and must take charge of their own path, and we know that we need to be proactive in our outreach to those who hesitate to ask for help. We respect the role of parents in a college student’s success, and while we collaborate with parents, we encourage student-parent communication rather than staff-parent intervention.

Our Approach

We strive to provide a safe and inclusive space for our students. We are student-centered and respect student differences. While we take an individualized approach to each student, we strive to remain fair and apply policies consistently. We work as a team to support students’ academic success, intellectual and personal growth, and well-being. We advocate for student needs while also educating them about policies and helping them understand the consequences of certain decisions.

Graduation Requirements

Your Academic Record: Policies & Resources

Deciding on a Major

Taking Time Away