Pre-Orientation Programs


Each year we offer innovative Pre-Orientation opportunities to incoming students, including transfer and commuter students. These programs are optional, but in recent years over half of the incoming class has participated. The Pre-Orientation programs are an opportunity to get involved on campus early, meet upperclass leaders and mentors, gain valuable leadership skills, and meet other students with similar interests before Undergraduate Orientation officially begins. Students look back at their participation in these programs as a great start of their Tufts experience. 

Pre-Orientation programs are optional and take place prior to the start of Undergraduate Orientation. Participants arrive to campus early and officially move-in to their residence hall rooms on their Pre-Orientation program arrival date & time. More information will become available once program placements are released. 

Registration for Pre-Orientation will open via the New Student Checklist. When accessing the registration form, students will rank their preference of program but will not officially be placed in a program until late June. Those notifications will be sent to students' Tufts emails. As a reminder, participants are guaranteed a spot in a Pre-Orientation program, but it may not be their first choice. Pre-Orientation registration is not first come, first serve. Additionally, payment is not due until students submit confirmation that they will be attending Pre-Orientation. If cost is a prohibitor to your participation in Pre-Orientation at Tufts, please email

Pre-Orientation Move-In will be Friday, August 22. New Student Move-In for students not participating in Pre-Orientation will be Wednesday, August 27. Orientation begins on Wednesday, August 27 as well. More information regarding Move-In and Orientation will be added on these pages throughout the academic year.

Note: Transfer students are allowed to participate in Pre-Orientation, however, temporary housing will not be available for those living off-campus.  

Explore Pre-Orientation Programs