Student Code of Conduct
I. Introduction
Tufts is a student-centered research University dedicated to the creation and application of knowledge. We are committed to providing transformative experiences for students and faculty in an inclusive and collaborative environment where creative scholars generate bold ideas, innovate in the face of complex challenges and distinguish themselves as active citizens of the world.
In order to accomplish our mission, Tufts seeks to create an environment that enables transformative intellectual, social, and personal development. Tufts strives to foster this environment both in and outside of the classroom, on and off campus, as well as online. Healthy maintenance of this environment requires a common set of behavioral expectations and the responsible participation of all students, faculty, and staff.
The Code of Conduct describes the standards of behavior that support our educational mission and the process for holding each other accountable to these standards. Our expectations are rigorous because our shared purpose compels us to act with integrity, self-discipline, and respect for ourselves and others.
Tufts students are expected to be responsible citizens of the academy and of the larger communities of which we are all members, exercising good judgment and ethical behavior in their academic and personal pursuits. Students are expected to comply with all University policies, all Massachusetts and federal laws, and the municipal ordinances of the cities in which we live, study, and work.
Each student is responsible for reading and understanding the University's expectations which are documented in the Code of Conduct and other University policies. By enrolling at Tufts, students voluntarily agree to comply with the standards of performance and behavior that are described in the Code of Conduct and other University policies.