Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice at GSAS
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences values diversity, equity, inclusion and justice and is committed to bringing to fruition those values for the benefit of our community of students, staff, and faculty. We invite members of our community to actively engage with us through dialogue and partner with us on the actions needed to create change.

DEIJ Strategic Plan
In concert with the school-wide 2021 Arts and Sciences DEIJ Strategic Plan, the Graduate School launched an admissions review and curricular examination to review and adjust the ways we recruit and retain students, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds.
2021 Arts and Sciences DEIJ Strategic Plan
2020 GSAS Pledge for Institutional Change
GSAS Initiatives

Explore VERSE
The Visiting and Early Research Scholars’ Experiences Program creates a cohort of undergraduate students who have not yet had research opportunities and allows them to participate in a 10-week summer research immersion experience.

Meet our Community Fellows
Community Fellows have the mission to develop community within the Tufts Graduate School of Arts and Sciences specifically for underrepresented students.

Apply for a GLIDE Fellowship
The Graduate Leadership in Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity prepares graduate students to becoming DEIJ change agents in their workplaces.
School-Wide Resources
Division of Student Diversity and Inclusion
The Division of Student Diversity and Inclusion is a collective of leaders, educators, and most importantly, people looking to serve as a resource for all undergraduate and graduate students interested in thinking about social identities and the ways they impact our lives and our world.
The Center for STEM Diversity
The Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Diversity is an umbrella organization for programs and organizations within Arts, Sciences and Engineering that are working to diversify the STEM fields.
Student Accessibility and Academic Resources (StAAR) Center
The StAAR Center offers academic support through one-on-one academic coaching, writing consultations, tutoring, study groups and study strategies and discipline specific workshops for graduate and undergraduate students. Our programs promote engaged, collaborative learning that build on students’ strengths while addressing their concerns and questions.
University-Wide Resources

Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence
The Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence offers a variety of programs and resources that promote institutional inclusive excellence at Tufts.

Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
The OEO ensures that Tufts University maintains compliance with all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to anti-discrimination, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title IX, through complaint resolution, programming and outreach. Students can submit requests for reasonable accommodation for all academic and medical, mobility and physical access accommodations, and report incidences of any misconduct, to OEO.

International Center
The "I-Center" works to raise intercultural awareness, to increase the knowledge of immigration laws affecting the Tufts international community, and to advocate a campus climate that respects cultural differences. Staff provides individual counseling, immigration advising and visa documents for students, faculty, and scholars from over 100 countries.