McCollester House

11 beds

During the 2024-2025 academic year McCollester houses graduate students. During the upcoming 2025-2026 academic year, McCollester will be home to junior and senior undergraduate students. 


  • No rooms are exactly the same size; all rooms are singles
  • Furniture provided for each student:
    • One full size bed
      • Multi-positioned beds that have 11 height adjustments up to 32 inches, with 30 inches of space underneath when raised to maximum height
    • One desk
    • One desk chair
    • One closet or wardrobe
    • One dresser
  • One window/shade
  • Linoleum tiled floors
  • Air conditioners are not allowed

Each residence has a common room or lounge and single-use bathrooms. One kitchen is available on the first floor and is shared with all of the occupants of each house. This kitchen must be shared amongst all McCollester residents, storage space for personal cooking, dishes, and food is extremely limited. Residents are advised, but not required, to purchase one of the many meal plan options offered by Tufts Dining Services (call 617-627-3566).

A small combination microwave and refrigerator unit called a MicroFridge can be rented. Small refrigerators (no larger than 3 cubic feet in size) are allowed in individual rooms. The use of stand-alone microwaves and other cooking appliances is not permitted in individual student rooms.