Advising Deans (All Students)

Arts and Sciences BA/BS Students, A–D
Tanesha Leathers, Advising Dean (contact for faculty and parents)

Arts and Sciences BA/BS Students, E–K
Matthew Bellof, Advising Dean (contact for faculty and parents)

Arts and Sciences BA/BS Students, L-Q
Jarvis Chen, Advising Dean (contact for faculty and parents)

Arts and Sciences BA/BS Students, R-Z
Caitlin Casey, Advising Dean (contact for faculty and parents)

Arts and Sciences BFA Students and Combined Degree BA/BFA students
Leah Gadd, Advising Dean - Book an Appointment (contact for faculty and parents)

Engineering Students, A-Z
Jennifer Stephan, Dean of Academic Advising and Undergraduate Studies (contact for faculty and parents)

Pre-Major Advisor (Arts and Sciences BA/BS and Engineering Students)

You were assigned a Pre-major advisor when you matriculated. If you don't know your advisor, log in to SIS and look under "Academics" on your homepage. You'll find their name and a link to email them directly.

Advising Staff (All Students)

First-Year and Sophomore Engineering Students, M-Z and First-year Arts and Sciences to Engineering Internal Transfers, M-Z and Sophomore Arts and Sciences to Engineering Internal

All Arts and Sciences BA/BS Students, A-Z
Ericka Miranda, Senior Academic Advisor
Allison Vander Broek, Senior Academic Advisor

First-Year Engineering Students, A-M and First-year Arts and Sciences to Engineering Internal Transfers
John Gearin, Senior Academic Advisor - Book an Appointment with John!

First-Year Engineering Students, N-Z and Sophomore Arts and Sciences to Engineering Internal Transfers
Tara Zantow, Senior Academic Advisor - Book an Appointment with Tara!

Arts and Sciences BFA Students
Tobias Bennett, Academic Resource Advisor - Book an Appointment

Meet the Advising Teams