Jumbo Spring Break FAQs

  • JSB stands for Jumbo Spring Break. It is a holistic experience designed to promote community service, education, and civic engagement. It is also meant to bring students together through a variety of hosted social events and offer an fun, meaningful way to spend spring break for all students.

  • The experience runs from March 15 to 23.  Exact travel itinerary will be developed in consultation with participants. There will also be several pre-experience events on campus during the fall and spring semesters to meet each other and bond, get oriented and familiar with the program and schedule, and to help decide some of the social events of the experience.

  • This year we are centering the trip around civic engagement and will be working with a local Habitat for Humanity group through the Collegiate Challenge for a full week of volunteering and helping serve this non-profit organization. To learn more about Habitat for Humanity details of the week refer to Experiences page.

  • Cost will be $1000 to $1500 depending on the chosen location. When signing up, each participant will make a deposit of $250 to hold their place.  The balance will be due in November. Group fundraising and scholarship opportunities may be available. Discounted deposits will be available to people with high levels of financial aid. Additional financial aid for the full balance may be available later. Group fundraising and scholarship opportunities may be available.

  • Due to the traveling nature of the trip, this will be a full week commitment that will require your full participation and availability. The social events around the volunteer work are designed to be relaxing and engaging and are a great way to build closer connections with other students.  Each participant must be fully available to participate in the duration of the JSB experience.

  • Once you sign up, we are making arrangements just for you. If you are no longer able to attend, write to us at springbreak@tufts.edu. When you sign up, you will be asked to pay the deposit of $250 and with that we will start making flight and trip arrangements. If you decide not to participate before the trip is paid for in full, we might be able to give your spot to someone on the waitlist. But after November 1, the full amount of the payment will be due and there will be no refunds allowed. All students will get travel insurance, and in case of sickness and unforeseen circumstances, you will be able to claim insurance reimbursement, while Tufts will not be refunding any students.