All of our staff are here to help you take care of your mental health and emotional well being.


Julie Ross headshot

Julie S. Ross, PhD, Director

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Liaison to DOSA office, various ongoing and ad hoc committee memberships

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: I have always been drawn to understand how people become who they are within the environments of family, community, and culture. It is within these contexts that I seek to understand the mental health challenges faced by university students. I have worked with students dealing a wide variety of issues including life transitions, family and relationship concerns, grief and loss, trauma, anxiety, and depression. In my role as Director, I focus on college mental health administration, mental health issues in higher education, suicide prevention, staff development, and consultation.

Approaches to Treatment: In meeting with students I aim to co-create a space of genuine and open communication in which trust can grow. My style is relational and interactive, and tools used in treatment vary according to the individual situation. These may include exploration and expression of thoughts and feelings, expanding skills in areas such as stress coping, communication, boundary setting, and more, providing support in problem solving, or some combination of these.

Personal Interests: I love a good psychological mystery novel, growing things indoors and out, spending time with family and friends, all animals (but especially dogs!), cooking gluten-free foods, and relaxing walks in the woods. 

Language(s) Spoken: English

Linda Escoll headshot

Linda Shane Escoll, PsyD, EdM, Associate Director

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Liaison Program Coordinator, Liaison to Residential Life, Ex College, Athletics, Staff Advisor for Ears for Peers

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: College and graduate student mental health issues including adjustment, anxiety, and depression; impact of sociocultural context; identity exploration; addressing relationship concerns and enhancing skills; coping with loss; family issues; increasing self-esteem and authenticity

Approaches to Treatment: I try to create a safe counseling space to allow for honest communication and open expression of thoughts and feelings. I am interactive and collaborative as I work to understand the experience of the person I’m seeing. I take a practical approach and help with skill building, while I am also interested in all the complexities that make us who we are including family experiences, social and culture contexts, relationship experiences, and day to day life.  

Personal Interests: Being with friends and family and dogs, spending time outdoors to walk or run, watching a good movie or series

Language(s) Spoken: English

Deborah Siegel headshot

Deborah Siegel, PhD, Assistant Director of CMHS at SMFA 

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Onsite at SMFA, Coordinator of CMHS Group Programming, Liaison to Residential Life/Beacon Street residences, Trans Care Team

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, depression, self-criticism, identity exploration, trauma informed care, students who have family members living with mental health conditions, creativity and artistic challenges, psychosis and experiences such as hearing voices or having suspicious thoughts, and reducing mental health stigma.

Approaches to Treatment: Come as you are. Whether you’ve been in therapy before or are trying it for the first time, I aim to make therapy a place to grow and heal, as well as to develop meaningful connection. My style is warm, genuine, and often humorous (if the situation fits). In our sessions, I mix self-exploration and skill building to help students feel more empowered to take on challenges in their lives. Many of the students I work with feel out of place; be it socially, academically, or culturally. I encourage students to unlearn old patterns and become more compassionate and kind towards themselves. My background as an artist helps me to think creatively in session, and I love working with artists of all disciplines. I am LGBTQIA+ affirming and as a member of the Trans Care Team, I am available to help with evaluations for students seeking gender affirming surgeries.

Personal Interests: Spending time with family, friends and my sweet dog, watching documentaries and movies that are “so bad they’re good,” collecting vinyl records, comedy, and exploring art museums.

Language(s) Spoken: English

Director of Training

Julie Jampel headshot

Julie B. Jampel, PhD, Director of Training

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Continuing Education Director; Liaison to the StAAR Center and the Fletcher School

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Developmental issues of late adolescents and young adults, coping with disabilities, family conflict, relationship concerns, loss

Approaches to Treatment: Having a space for honest communication and reflection about oneself and one's life can lead to growth and change.  My approach emphasizes creating that space to facilitate problem-solving, to generate insight and understanding of one's struggles, and to know oneself as well as possible.

Personal Interests: Taking long walks, reading fiction, talking and laughing with friends and family.  

Language(s) Spoken: English

Counseling Staff

Kia Alston headshot

Kia Alston, LICSW, Multicultural Specialist, Black and Afro-Latinx Focus

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Liaison to Africana Center

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: As a Jumbo (A’08) and Black Tufts Alummy areas of clinical interest/expertise include: mental health concerns impacting newcomers, immigrants and refugees; multicultural mental health (specifically students from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds); historically marginalized identities (specifically students of African descent from across the African diaspora); Black Feminist Thought/Black Intellectual Thought; first generation college students; social justice and restorative justice; racial trauma; women’s issues; LGBTQIA+ issues; intersectionality; resilience; positive identity development; college and graduate student mental health; spirituality and religious integration (with a deep cultural awareness centered on Islam/Muslim students); and bilingualism (specifically second language learners).

Approaches to Treatment: My therapeutic style is relational/interpersonal, trauma-informed, culturally responsive, strengths-based, collaborative, warm, kind, supportive and empowering. I work with students from diverse, multicultural backgrounds and seek to improve their functioning, build on their incredible strengths, and help them feel more empowered in an often hostile, invalidating, and oppressive society. I meet my students where they are and respect their power of self-determination. I truly love being a clinician and deeply enjoy the work that I do. My core values of helping others, service, and the importance of healing all shape my approach to therapy. I’ve always been a very empathetic and compassionate person who enjoys helping others. Thus, my role as a psychotherapist is very much congruent with my personality and identity.

My therapeutic approach draws from a diverse therapeutic toolkit that includes Psychodynamic Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), and Mindfulness-Based Practices (with a trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and social justice lens). Additionally, in my therapeutic work, there is a big focus on strengths and how to build on the things that students know and the things that are going well in order to bring about meaningful and positive change in their lives. This includes both the internal and external changes that one needs to make to improve their functioning/quality of life.

Personal Interests: Like most clinicians, I strive for work/life balance by working hard for my students and trying to find time for self-care and a healthy coping skills routine. Quality time is my #1 love language, so I enjoy spending quality time with friends and family, including my two-year-old daughter, Ella. I am a huge proponent of prayer and meditation (as I was raised in Islam), and thus, I take my daily spiritual practice seriously. I enjoy listening to Afrobeats, R&B, Hip-Hop, jazz, reggae, reggaeton, bachata and many other forms of cultural music from across the African diaspora along with Top 40 popular music. I also enjoy a good podcast, Ted Talk, or intellectually stimulating and thought-provoking discussion that enlightens, empowers, inspires, and entertains.

Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish

Lucia Andrade headshot

Lucia Andrade, PhD, Multicultural Specialist, Latinx Focus

Pronouns: she/her/ella 

Additional Roles: Liaison to Latinx Center

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Working with first generation college students, Latinx students, and students with historically marginalized identities; identity development and exploration; college student mental health; racial trauma; relationship concerns; crisis stabilization and intervention; suicide prevention; life transitions

Approaches to Treatment: My approach to counseling begins with the development of a safe, warm, and supportive therapeutic space, while my therapeutic style emphasizes collaboration and authenticity. Clinically, I integrate Person-Centered/Humanistic and Relational-Cultural philosophies and a cultural humility lens to treatment. I also incorporate cognitive-behavioral, dialectical and behavioral, and motivational interviewing intervention skills throughout my work. I emphasize the use of students’ personal strengths and stories to help them develop meaning in their relationships and lives.

Personal Interests: I enjoy walking, jogging, and hiking, as well as painting for fun. I also enjoy taking photographs, especially of landscapes and sunsets/sunrises. I have a love for cooking and in turn, tasting all sorts of food/dishes. 

Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish 

Xi Bi headshot

Xi Bi, PsyD (pronounced See Be), Multicultural Specialist, AAPI and International Focus

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Onsite at SMFA, Trans Care Team, Liaison to the International Center

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Multi-identities exploration and expansion including acculturation and adaptation for international students; racial and cultural dilemmas encountered by Asian young adults in the U.S.; gender and sexuality exploration; and life stage transitions. Interpersonal concerns such as the impacts of family and intergenerational relationships on individuation in groups on campus; learning to be assertive and cultivating motivation of self-care as marginalized students who experience micro-aggressions and overt racism. Trauma-induced repetitive symptomology and mood disturbance, including but not limited to racial and cultural trauma, gendered trauma, attachment, and emotional trauma.

Approaches to Treatment: I am a culturally sensitive generalist clinician with a background focusing on contemporary psychodynamic and analytic training under a relational, multicultural, intersectional, and postmodern framework. I have clinical passions in applying gender and queer theories, group theories, and object-relations theories to individual and group work. My clinical background allows me to see an individual as a psychological being and a relational being, alternating their sets of selves depending on the relative socio-political positions as well as the historical and spatial context they are in. In treatment, I am attentive to experiences of “invisibility” and “misattunement,” thus will utilize and encourage non-verbal and metaphorical communication with students from all backgrounds. I consider it an honor to participate in your journey of knowing yourself and to facilitate you recognizing and getting out of the “sand-stuck” situation in college life.

Personal Interests: I enjoy living with my beloved dog, cat, fish, and plants, practicing archery, learning and mastering new skills every day (such as skateboarding as of recently), and expecting Boston winter to come to have a sweating snowball fight with friends then lie on the thick snow. 

Language(s) Spoken: English, Mandarin

Stephen Jadaszewski headshot

Stefan Jadaszewski, PhD, Staff Clinician

Pronouns: he/him

Additional Roles: Liaison to LGBT Center and Residential Life, Trans Care Team

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Life transitions and adjustments of undergraduate and graduate students, chronic depression, grief/loss, interpersonal relationships, emotional intelligence, identity development, and supporting LGBTQIA+ students (including support or referrals for gender affirmation processes). 

Approaches to Treatment: I use a therapeutic style that is collaborative and builds on students’ existing strengths. My therapeutic approach integrates elements of various theories of psychotherapy based on the goals we identify together.  I often bring attention to what is happening “here and now” in the therapy room, and how that can inform the questions or concerns that bring a person to therapy. I strive to infuse a multicultural orientation and gender-aware/LGBTQ+-affirmative perspectives into my work.

Personal Interests: Outside of work, I enjoy reading, baking, backpacking, kayaking, and whatever gets me outside.

Language(s) Spoken: English

Crysti Kotsiopoulos headshot

Crysti Kotsiopoulos, PsyD, Postdoctoral Clinician

Pronouns: she/her

Additional roles: Training for Ears for Peers, Outreach

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Student mental health, family and relationship concerns, identity development, bipolar disorders, human sexuality, compulsive sexual behavior, and forensic mental health.

Approaches to Treatment: It is my intention to create a safe and nonjudgemental space that encourages authentic self-expression and reflection. The quality of our working relationship is of utmost importance to me, and therefore I highly value feedback throughout our work together as it arises. Others have described me as warm and gentle, with the ability to offer appropriate challenge. I practice primarily from a psychodynamic, relational approach that is insight-oriented.

Personal Interests: Decorating, party planning, stand-up comedy, traveling, and ballet.

Language(s) Spoken: English

Lingyue Lu headshot

Lingyue Lu, PsyD, Postdoctoral Clinician

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Training for Ears for Peers, Outreach

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: My passion lies in embracing a multicultural perspective, delving into cross-cultural issues and exploring the intricate intersectionality of identity. I have a genuine affinity for working with international students, especially those from Asia and those holding multiple marginalized identities. I enjoy supporting first-generation immigrant college students, neurodivergent students, and young adults who encounter challenges with mood disorders, adjustment difficulties, and comorbid neurodevelopmental issues. My interests extend to addressing chronic passive suicidal ideation, feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem, self-image concerns, and difficulties with distress tolerance, as well as interpersonal effectiveness for young adults hailing from complex family systems with conflictual parent relationships. 

Approaches to Treatment: At the heart of my approach lies a rich tapestry of diverse theoretical frameworks, woven together to create an integrative and person-centered therapeutic experience. I draw upon intervention strategies from a wide array of treatment approaches, including DBT, CBT, and psychodynamic/relational approaches. Guided by a feminist perspective, I approach trauma-informed treatment with care and compassion. Cultural sensitivity is a foundational principle of my approach. To achieve healing and growth, I employ phase-oriented and attachment-focused techniques, supplementing them with interventions tailored to foster safety, empowerment, and personal development.

Personal Interests: A variety of activities bring me joy and relaxation, including listening to music, cooking, and making coffee. I find solace in taking leisurely walks near the beach, savoring the serene surroundings. Music holds a special place in my heart, and I have a penchant for singing and composing songs, a passion that stems from my past experience playing instruments. Writing lyrics allows me to express my thoughts and emotions creatively, making these moments especially fulfilling.

Language(s) Spoken: English, Mandarin, basic understanding of Cantonese, basic grasp of Korean

Mantra logo

Mantra Care

CMHS collaborates with Mantra Care to increase counselor availability for Tufts students. Mantra counselors may offer additional identities beyond those of counselors at CMHS. Mantra counselors may also be available to meet with students in the evenings or on weekends. Initial appointments can be made through our office or directly through Mantra. Click here for more information about scheduling directly. Follow-up appointments are made through Mantra’s portal at

Jane Paar headshot

Jane Paar, PsyD, Postdoctoral Clinician

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Training for Ears for Peers, Outreach

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: College student mental health issues, substance-use concerns, relationship concerns, exploring intersectionality, social justice, suicide prevention.

Approaches to Treatment: My approach is client centered, strengths based, and relationally focused. With an empathetic approach, I work to ensure that the counseling space is a warm, welcoming environment that allows for open communication. 

Personal Interests: I enjoy reading, walking outside, and spending time with friends and family. 

Language (s) Spoken: English

Xavier Quinn headshot

Xavier Quinn, LICSW, Staff Clinician

Pronouns: he/him

Additional Roles: Trans Care Team

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: PTSD, trauma (including experiencing or witnessing violence, sexual assault, partner abuse, hate violence, child abuse/neglect, and accidents/injury), trans, nonbinary, and gender diverse identity development and transition, LGBTQIA+ communities, depression, anxiety, neurodivergence (ADHD, Autism Spectrum), grief, substance use, coping with systemic oppression such as racism, classism, sexism, transphobia, biphobia, and homophobia, resolving inner conflict, and accepting parts of oneself that have previously been suppressed, hidden, or denied. I also have experience working with polyamorous, BDSM, and kink communities.

Approaches to Treatment: I use a strengths-based, non-judgmental, collaborative approach to therapy and incorporate the following modalities, as needed: EMDR (Eye Movement Reprocessing and Desensitization), IFS (Internal Family Systems therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy), mindfulness, and empowerment theory. 

Personal Interests: Board games, tarot cards, musicals, spending time outdoors, Buddhism, sci-fi books, TV, and movies 

Language(s) Spoken: English, conversational Spanish

Sophie Ricks headshot

Sophie Ricks, LICSW, Staff Clinician

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Liaison to the Women’s Center, Liaison to Residential Life, Trans Care Team

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Relationship challenges including concerns around sexual functioning; anxiety and phobias; trauma; healing from sexual assault and relationship violence; concerns around substance use and addictive behaviors; issues of cultural identity and oppression; exploring sexuality and gender identity, mood disorders in the pregnancy/postpartum period and the challenges of being a new parent. I love working with students who are new to therapy and may be nervous, skeptical whether this can help, or not sure what to expect.

Approaches to Treatment: My approach is collaborative, strengths-based, and relational—I believe the “fit” between therapist and client is a crucial part of treatment success, and encourage students to share questions and feedback throughout our work together. As a therapist I pride myself on being authentic, warm, curious, and active in our sessions, and am able to offer both humor and challenge when needed. I may also use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy to relieve students' distress around certain kinds of trauma when appropriate. My goal for our first session is that you feel comfortable coming back for a second one.

Personal interests: Cooking and baking, walks in the woods, reading and writing, bargain hunting at thrift stores/antique markets/yard sales.

Language(s) Spoken: English

Bela Skorska headshot

Izabela Skorska, LICSW, Staff Clinician

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Eating Concerns Team; Liaison to Residential Life 

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Challenges of emerging adulthood; complex and intergenerational trauma; navigating relationships with self and others; issues related to existential and spiritual questioning; LGBTQIA+ care; neurodiversity; disordered eating and body image-related challenges; adjustment difficulties; anxiety disorders; substance-related and addictive disorders. 

Approaches to Treatment: I use an integrated approach to treatment rooted in relational-psychodynamic, insight-oriented, developmental, and strengths-based approaches while also weaving in aspects of CBT and skills-based methods. I strive to help individuals find meaning, connection, and develop ways of coping with life’s stressors while cultivating self-compassion and mindfulness. My aim is to create a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space where students can explore the things that are challenging as well as celebrate successes and growth. 

Personal Interests: Taking walks, swimming, film, music, reading, meditation, nature, puttering around bookstores and record shops, and hanging out with my pets.

Language(s) Spoken: English, Polish

Cristy Urton

Cristy Urton, LMHC, Staff Clinician

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Outreach 

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, depression, perfectionism, body image issues, self-esteem, first and second generation immigrant experiences, navigating difficult personal relationships, grief, and loss. I also enjoy working with students of color, graduate students, first generation college students, and students who have undocumented status or DACA.  

Approaches to Treatment: I take a collaborative approach to therapy with an emphasis on genuine conversation, listening, and practical skill-building. You can expect that my focus will be on you as a person and that I will respect your identity and experiences. My hope is to create a trauma-informed and culturally-affirming therapeutic space where students will feel seen and heard.

Personal Interests: Outside of work, you’ll find me hanging out with my family and friends. I enjoy long walks, slow flow yoga, historical fiction, low brow comedy, trying new restaurants, and saying yes to dessert.

Language(s) Spoken: English, Tagalog

Andrew Yuen headshot

Andrew Yuen, PsyD, Staff Clinician

Pronouns: he/him

Additional Roles: Liaison to the Asian American Center

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: I help students manage concerns with anxiety, depression, emerging adulthood, relationship conflicts, grief & loss, family of origin issues, men’s issues, and more. I have a specific interest in working with international students, first-generation students, and graduate students. I enjoy helping people explore their identities (gender and sexuality, racial and ethnic, cultural, etc.).

Theoretical Orientation: I am a generalist clinician who draws from Person-Centered/Humanistic, Interpersonal, ACT, and DBT theories. I prioritize creating a safe, warm, and non-judgmental therapeutic space. I strive to be culturally informed in my work with all my students. My style emphasizes authenticity, compassion, and collaboration. I help students build coping skills and harness their existing strengths.

Personal Interests: I am interested in running, photography, and learning to cook vegan-friendly versions of my favorite recipes. I enjoy reading both American and world history, and science fiction. My favorite video game series are the original Mass Effect trilogy, Fire Emblem, and Legend of Zelda. 

Language(s) Spoken: English

Psychiatric Staff

Susan Mahoney headshot

Susan Mahoney, PMHCNS-BC, Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist

Pronouns: she/her

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Developmental issues of late adolescence/early adulthood and the influence of identity on the student’s experience; students who have experienced trauma/sexual assault, students coping with both physical and mental health problems.

Approaches to Treatment: I provide diagnostic assessment and evaluation for medication treatment; ongoing assessment and management of medication for a range of mental health problems; education related to mental health problems, medications, and other treatments; and consultation/support for students in crisis. My approach is collaborative, integrating bio/psycho/social, relational, and mindfulness based approaches to treatment. 

Personal Interests: I enjoy hiking and kayaking, as well as spending time with family and friends.

Language(s) Spoken:  English

Lily Motta headshot

Lily Motta, PMHNP-BC, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner 

Pronouns: she/her

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Anxiety and depression, collegiate mental health, identity exploration/intersectionality, integrative psychiatry, interpersonal relationship issues, supporting LGBTQ+ students, mindfulness, social justice, substance use and recovery, and health and wellness. 

Approaches to Treatment: My approach to treatment is warm, collaborative, and holistic. I provide diagnostic evaluations and psychopharmacology medication management while integrating principles of cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, and strength-based therapies. Through the delivery of person-centered, culturally-sensitive, and trauma-informed care, I have an integrative approach that considers each individual within the unique context of their lives including their family system, community, and culture. I aim to create a safe and supportive space through collaboration and shared-decision making while using evidence-based practices to guide treatment planning.

Personal Interests: Spending time outdoors hiking, swimming, or biking; listening to podcasts; reading; cooking/trying new recipes; going out to hear live music.

Language(s) Spoken: English 

Priya Sehgal headshot

Priya Sehgal, MD, MA, Pediatric and Adult Psychiatrist

Pronouns: she/her

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: Developmental issues of late adolescence/early adulthood; racial and ethnic identity development, race related stress, immigration/acculturative stress, Asian-American mental health; gender identity, sexuality, women's mental health; trauma.

Approaches to Treatment: As a psychiatrist, I provide diagnostic assessments and evaluations for medication consultation and on-going medication management using a biological, psychological, social, and cultural framework. I seek to understand how one's intersecting socio-cultural identitiesparticularly one's ethnic/racial experiences, gender identity, and experiences of immigration and/or acculturationimpact one's current presentation, development, and sense of self.   

Personal interests: Spending time with family and friends, cooking, exercising, playing sports, gardening. 

Language(s) Spoken: English

Care Manager

Courtney Nugent headshot

Courtney Nugent, LICSW, Care Manager/Staff Clinician

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Liaison to Residential Life, Trans Care Team

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: I am passionate about empowering students to connect with mental health supports that feel safe, supportive, and aligned with their goals and values. I am eager to support students in navigating the behavioral healthcare system to help make that happen. Additionally, I am particularly interested in the consideration of intersectionality and social determinants of health, impacts of chronic illness on mental health, experiences of transfer students, coping with anxiety and depression, and exploration of identity development.

Approaches to Treatment: I approach the clinical space with a focus on students’ strengths and goals, while also integrating skills and concepts from modalities including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Solutions Focused Therapy.

Personal Interests: Collecting recipes, going to the beach, spending time with friends and family, trying new coffee shops, and playing racket sports.

Language(s) Spoken: English, American Sign Language (ASL)

Urgent Care Clinicians

Jen Granquist headshot

Jennifer Granquist, LMHC, Urgent Care Specialist

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Liaison to Career Center and Residential Life

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: My primary interest is making mental health resources, knowledge and skills for navigating life accessible to everyone, especially in times of crisis. Areas of interest and expertise include crisis intervention and risk assessment, trauma-informed care and response, grief, emerging adult mental health, first generation student experience and adjustment, identity development, interpersonal concerns, adjustment and life transitions. I am interested in supporting students in developing resiliency skills to support self-efficacy and advocacy. I am also trained in Expressive Arts Therapy and Koru Mindfulness.

Approaches to Treatment: My approach is collaborative, relational, person-centered, and strength-based. I integrate self-compassion, mindfulness, knowledge of neuroscience and cognitive behavioral therapy including DBT and ACT into practice. Students often leave our sessions with skills for prioritizing mental well-being and bouncing back from life stressors. 

Language(s) Spoken: English

Sage Garcia

Sage Garcia, LICSW, Urgent Care Specialist

Pronouns: she/her

Additional Roles: Outreach

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: My clinical interests and expertise involve crisis intervention and risk assessment, trauma-informed care and response, emerging adult mental health, interpersonal concerns, adjustment and life transitions, restorative justice practices, social justice, substance use and recovery, supporting students of diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, and LGBTQIA+ students. I also have invested interest in areas of helping people improve individual body image and am a huge advocate for Health At Every Size (HAES) approaches. Additionally, I have been specially trained to provide therapy in areas of motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for PTSD, prolonged-exposure therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). 

Approaches to Treatment: My approach to treatment has always been person-centered. Especially in moments of urgent care/crisis, it is so important to bring autonomy and support to the table. When working in therapy, I find it essential that the client be the driving force of their treatment plan and hope to work collaboratively with those who are wanting more support on their journey to bettering their mental wellbeing. I integrate mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and exposure work, all within a trauma informed lens. My hope is that after leaving a session, students will have new-found skills, knowledge of self, and will be able to more navigate events of stress independently.  

Personal Interests: I enjoy a good fiction book or psychological thriller, especially when I can sit in the sun or by any body of water to fully enjoy it. I love to travel when possible, experience new communities, and attend concerts and sporting events (especially the Bruins and Celtics). During my regular week, I enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons (DND) with my friends, cooking, and playing with my dog Bruce. 

Language(s) Spoken: English

Takahide Watanabe headshot

Takahide Watanabe, LMHC, Urgent Care Specialist

Pronouns: he/him

Additional Roles: Liaison to the First Center

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: My clinical priority is to provide an emotionally safe place for  students to discuss any emotional disturbances that we work with together and to promote a sense of connectedness among community members through student-centered programming. I am especially interested in working with and learning from students from underserved populations, international students, students struggling with cultural adjustment, first generation college students, and students with concerns about returning from a medical leave of absence.

Approaches to Treatment: I practice bringing collaborative, compassionate, strength based, cognitive behavioral, and mindfulness based approaches to treatment. I am an EMDRIA certified EMDR therapist.

Personal Interests: Running and swimming, listening to good Jazz.

Language(s) Spoken: English, Japanese

Jennifer Lawrence headshot

Jennifer Lawrence, LICSW, On-Call Specialist

Pronouns: she/her

Clinical Interests and Areas of Expertise: College student mental health, suicide prevention and intervention, crisis intervention.

Approaches to Treatment: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with a person-centered approach working to improve distress tolerance and emotional regulation skills.

Personal interests: Hanging out with my pup, Link. Watching the Red Sox. Running.

Language(s) Spoken: English

Mental Health Promotion Specialist

Erica Schonman headshot

Erica Schonman, MPH, CHES, Mental Health Promotion Specialist

Pronouns: she/her

Primary Role: Engage with students, staff, and faculty to promote mental health at Tufts, plan and present programs and workshops, and learn from Tufts students so we can work together to support student wellbeing.

Theoretical Orientation: I have a public health background and use my public health skills and experience to promote mental health through non-clinical approaches like increasing help-seeking behavior, promoting life skills and resilience, and working with the Tufts community to foster a healthy and safe educational environment.

Personal Interests: I love running (albeit slowly), listening to podcasts, cooking, and spending time with my family and friends.

Language(s) Spoken: English

Office Staff

Andrea Bellizia headshot

Andrea Bellizia, Practice Supervisor

Pronouns: she/her

Personal Interests: I enjoy being with friends, family, and my dog. I like spending time outdoors hiking, running, or simply just swimming in lakes, pools, or being in the ocean. I also enjoy trying new foods, meeting new people, and seeing new places.

Language(s) Spoken: English

headshot of Emily Soto-Bernabel

Emily Soto-Bernabel, Patient Services Coordinator 

Pronouns: she/her

Personal Interests: I like to enjoy time with my son, friends, and family. I love to explore and am up for new challenges.

Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish