Student Organization Trainings and Meetings

Mandatory Fall Meetings

At the start of each academic year student organizations are required to mandatory information meetings. Student organizations not represented at the mandatory fall meetings risk losing budget and space reservation access.

TCU Treasury Meetings

The TCU Senate Treasury offers mandatory treasury meetings for all TCU Senate Funded Organizations. Once again, these meetings are required for TCU Senate Funded Organizations Only. This meeting, presented by the TCU Senate Treasurer, details important treasury procedures for the coming year. This meeting is offered twice each fall semester to accommodate schedules. The Fall 2024 meetings will be posted in Summer 2024 and information will be sent out to student organizations. Both signatories are required to attend one of the meetings. Club Sports, Graduate Organizations, Fraternity and Sorority Organizations, and Department-Sponsored Organizations are NOT required to attend. Sub-groups are not required but encouraged to attend, especially if they use TCU Treasury systems. Organizations that are not funded through the TCU Senate, but still have Department IDs and utilize the Campus Life Financial Office, should also attend this meeting.