Employment Opportunities in the Office for Campus Life

Graduate Internships

The Office for Campus Life is committed to offering a meaningful experience in the field of student affairs that complements the academic rigors of pursuing a graduate degree.  From student programming and event planning to student organization advisement, leadership programs, and facility management, graduate interns will be exposed to various aspects of campus life. Our office has two-three graduate interns during the academic year (Operations, Programming/Student Organizations).

Currently the Office for Campus Life has no graduate intern openings.  Future openings will be posted on Handshake.

Student Employment

Are you interested in working in a fun, fast-paced environment surrounded by students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors? If so, employment at the Office for Campus Life might be the right fit for you. As a student employee, your position plays a critical role in bringing our services and programs to the Tufts community. These include management of the Mayer Campus Center, event management services, Tufts Ticket sales, and use of meeting room spaces and equipment, just to name a few!  Another important part of working for the OCL is professional development.  In any of our roles, you will gain valuable leadership skills that are transferable to any field of study/work. The specific positions we offer include Campus Center Managers, Event Staff Managers, Event Staff, Information Booth Attendants, Office Assistants and Social Media Assistants. Currently all positions for Fall '24 are filled. However, we always are interested in inquires and will hold applications. To inquire please contact ocl@tufts.edu. Should we have open positions throughout the year they will be posted on Handshake.