Event Planning Support Resources for Students

Event Planning

Audio Vision (AV) NeedsRequest Tufts Technology Services (TTS) setup and/or manage audio visual needs for a meeting or event, or assist with broadcasting or facilitating virtual programs.Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. Requests must be in at least 3 weeks prior to event.
Checklist for Planning an Inclusive EventA comprehensive guide from the StAAR Center to ensure your event is inclusive of people of all abilities.View the PDF document.
Event Planning ChecklistA comprehensive task list with timeline for student organizations to utilize while planning events and programs.View the PDF document.
Event Registration FormYour one-stop-shop for all event approvals and requesting any necessary resources including facilities, AV, event staff, TuftsTickets, and more.Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. Requests must be in at least 3 weeks prior to event.
Facilities Work OrderRequest tables, chairs, trash and recycling receptacles and and sanitizing stations or other equipment be setup for event or program.Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. Requests must be in at least 3 weeks prior to event.
OCL Student Event StaffA group of student employees who support student organization events in a variety of function spaces across the Medford/Somerville campus. See Student Event Staff Pricing.Request staff via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife.
Parking for Event GuestsGuests at student organization events must follow Tufts visitor parking rules. Sponsors should send out parking details and website ahead of time whenever possible. (go.tufts.edu/permit)Student Organizations may pay for parking for speakers or presenters ahead of time by contacting the Office for Campus Life (ocl@tufts.edu) at least one week prior to the event.
ReserveTuftsThe reservation system to reserve any meeting room, function space, or Campus Center Tables. You may review available spaces through the ReserveTufts system.One member per organization is designated access via the Organization Registration Form on JumboLife. Students with access may log in here.
Social Media AdvertisingStAAR Center information on accessibility for social media advertising.View website.
Tufts ArchivesTufts Archives collects physical and digital records from student organizations to document an orgs history.View website.
Tufts CateringTufts Catering offers a variety of service levels for student organization events.View menus and order.
TuftsTicketsSell tickets (for free or for a specific cost) for events and programs that require an admission fee or have a limited capacity through TuftsTickets.Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife.

Collecting or Spending Money

Basic Services AgreementPay individuals for basic one-time services up to $1,000 for services such as a student DJ, student performer, guest speaker, coach/judge, or photographer. An Independent Contractor Form must be submitted to process payment.Request via the Event Registration Form in JumboLife.
CrowdfundingCrowdfunding at Tufts is the only approved platform to help student organizations raise money online and solicit donations from community members and their friends and family.Apply online.
Independent ContractorTCU Treasury form used to pay individuals or business via a University check.Contact OCL.
Inter-Departmental Requisition (IDR)A University form to pay a department for goods or services (i.e. Cohen fees, JumboCash, etc). Complete with the TCU Treasury.
Performance AgreementPay individuals or groups for a performance, guest speaking engagement, or DJ above $1,000. An Independent Contractor Form must be submitted to process payment.Request via the Event Registration Form in JumboLife.
Reimbursement FormTCU Treasury form used to reimburse individuals for out-of-pocket expenses.Contact OCL.
Request to Use the TCU Credit CardTCU Treasury form used to purchase items online or in-person using a University purchase card (p-card).Contact OCL.
Treasury Procedures Manual (TPM)A comprehensive manual of policies and procedures governing student organization budgets.Contact OCL.
TuftsTicketsSell tickets for events and programs.Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife.