Audio Vision (AV) Needs | Request Tufts Technology Services (TTS) setup and/or manage audio visual needs for a meeting or event, or assist with broadcasting or facilitating virtual programs. | Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. Requests must be in at least 3 weeks prior to event. |
Checklist for Planning an Inclusive Event | A comprehensive guide from the StAAR Center to ensure your event is inclusive of people of all abilities. | View the PDF document. |
Event Planning Checklist | A comprehensive task list with timeline for student organizations to utilize while planning events and programs. | View the PDF document. |
Event Registration Form | Your one-stop-shop for all event approvals and requesting any necessary resources including facilities, AV, event staff, TuftsTickets, and more. | Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. Requests must be in at least 3 weeks prior to event. |
Facilities Work Order | Request tables, chairs, trash and recycling receptacles and and sanitizing stations or other equipment be setup for event or program. | Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. Requests must be in at least 3 weeks prior to event. |
OCL Student Event Staff | A group of student employees who support student organization events in a variety of function spaces across the Medford/Somerville campus. See Student Event Staff Pricing. | Request staff via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. |
Parking for Event Guests | Guests at student organization events must follow Tufts visitor parking rules. Sponsors should send out parking details and website ahead of time whenever possible. ( | Student Organizations may pay for parking for speakers or presenters ahead of time by contacting the Office for Campus Life ( at least one week prior to the event. |
ReserveTufts | The reservation system to reserve any meeting room, function space, or Campus Center Tables. You may review available spaces through the ReserveTufts system. | One member per organization is designated access via the Organization Registration Form on JumboLife. Students with access may log in here. |
Social Media Advertising | StAAR Center information on accessibility for social media advertising. | View website. |
Tufts Archives | Tufts Archives collects physical and digital records from student organizations to document an orgs history. | View website. |
Tufts Catering | Tufts Catering offers a variety of service levels for student organization events. | View menus and order. |
TuftsTickets | Sell tickets (for free or for a specific cost) for events and programs that require an admission fee or have a limited capacity through TuftsTickets. | Submit via the Event Registration Form on JumboLife. |