A. Abuse Prevention/Relationship Violence


Massachusetts law prohibits abuse by family, household members, roommates, and partners in substantive dating relationships through physical harm, fear of physical harm, or forcing to involuntarily engage in sexual relations. Massachusetts courts can issue orders protecting the victim from such abuse. Students engaging in such conduct may be arrested and subject to court proceedings and internal disciplinary actions. Tufts administrators may take interim actions based on an arrest or incident involving such abuse.

See here for more information on Stay Away Requests (SARs) and No Contact Orders (NCOs).

A Caution about Using the Internet and Social Websites

Many students use social media. Please use caution in what you disclose about yourself on such sites. The information on these sites has been used to harass or victimize students in the past. Once the information is out—it can’t always be retrieved since the pages are printed or cached.

One other element to think about when using electronic resources — making threats against others or defaming them carries the same consequences as such behavior would if it occurred through other means of communication or interaction. Please let the Dean of Student Affairs Office know if you have any questions: 617-627-3158.

B. Cars on Campus


Resident first-year students and sophomores are not permitted to keep or register a motor vehicle on campus. In rare occasions an exception may be made by the Dean of Student Affairs Office: 617-627-3158. Resident juniors, and seniors, and students commuting from home are permitted to obtain a parking pass that allows them to park on campus.

You may not register a car for another student.

Individuals who purchase a parking decal for another student are in violation of university policy, and the matter will be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs Office for disciplinary action. Students involved in altering or misrepresentation of a parking decal will be subject to Disciplinary Probation and may lose parking privileges as well as receive a fine. Flagrant disregard of parking regulations resulting in the accumulation of multiple parking violations by an individual student (paid or unpaid) could result in loss of campus parking privileges.

For complete information, please contact Public Safety: 617-627-3030.

C. Computer Use/Downloading


In recent years students have more frequently found themselves in trouble for file-sharing copyrighted music, movies and software using Peer to Peer file-sharing applications (Bit-torrent for example). Each day the university receives complaints from copyright holders bringing these infringements to our attention. By law the University is required to act upon these complaints. Upon receipt of a complaint your internet connection will be interrupted until the matter is cleared up.  For more information, please see the University’s full policy on Computer Ethics and the Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources.

D. Consensual Relations with Faculty and Academic Administrators


Tufts University seeks to maintain a professional educational environment. Actions of faculty members and academic administrators that are unprofessional or appear to be unprofessional are inconsistent with the university's educational mission. It is essential that those in a position of authority not abuse, nor appear to abuse, the power with which they are entrusted.

Faculty members and academic administrators exercise power over students, whether by teaching, grading, evaluating, or making recommendations for their further studies or their future employment. Amorous, dating, or sexual relationships between faculty members, academic administrators, and students are impermissible when the faculty members and academic administrators have professional responsibility for the student. Voluntary consent by the student in such a relationship is suspect, given the fundamental nature of the relationship. Moreover, other students may be affected by such behavior, because it places the faculty member and academic administrator in a position to favor or advance one student's interest to the potential detriment of others. Therefore, it is a violation of University policy for a faculty member or academic administrator to engage in an amorous, dating, or sexual relationship with a student whom he/she instructs, evaluates, supervises, or advises, or over whom he/she is in a position to exercise authority in any way.


As used in this policy, the terms faculty or faculty member include all those who teach at the University and other instructional personnel, including graduate students with teaching responsibilities. Academic administrators include all staff who are in a position to counsel, direct, or influence the academic performance of students.

Policy Violation

A violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action.


If the person involved in a possible policy violation is a faculty member, the issue should be brought to the attention of the appropriate Dean of the College/School. If the person involved is a staff member or administrator, the issue should be brought to the attention of the Director of OEO, the Vice President for Human Resources, or the Vice President for the College/School employing the staff member or administrator.

If you are concerned or have questions about a relationship between a student (you or someone else) and a faculty member/academic administrator, assistance can be provided by the Dean of Student Affairs Office (617-627-3158) or the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) (617-627-3298).

E. Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act


The Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act of 1998 as well as its amendments provide the Tufts University Department of Public Safety an opportunity to explain various services, policies, programs, and expectations that help contribute to achieving reasonable safety and security at Tufts University. As one of our efforts to comply with the Clery Act, an annual Public Safety brochure is made available. This publication also informs the Tufts community of campus crime statistics. A printed copy of the brochure may be requested by contacting the Department of Public Safety, 419 Boston Avenue, Medford Campus.

F. Early Arrival Policy


Students participating in any Early Arrival Program (Pre-Orientation, Orientation, Peer Leader, performance group, etc.) are expected to act in a professional and responsible manner while executing their responsibilities. Early Arrival students must represent Tufts as an inclusive, healthy, and welcoming member of the community. They must act as a team player, work cooperatively, and establish effective and continuous communication with all staff members.

Students participating in any Early Arrival Program are expected to abide by the following:

  • Early Arrival students must be in good standing in matters relating to academics and student conduct from the time they apply to participate in a program until the conclusion of the program.
  • Early Arrival students will be required to move back to campus early at the dates set by the coordinators of the relevant program.
  • Early Arrival students must be available for and must participate in any applicable training programs as determined by the coordinators of the relevant program.
  • Early Arrival students will assist the coordinators of the relevant program to the best of their abilities in the execution of the entire program.
  • Early Arrival students will be accountable for all first-year students assigned to them as a part of their program.
  • Early Arrival students must abide by Tufts’ Student Code of Conduct and all state and federal laws. These include but are not limited to policies regarding alcohol and substance abuse, vandalism, disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.
  • Early Arrival students will not, under any circumstances, host any events for first-year students at their on- or off-campus residence prior to the first day of classes. Failure to abide by this policy may result in disciplinary action.
  • From their arrival to campus and/or the start of any Early Arrival training through the entire Undergraduate Orientation program, Early Arrival students will not consume or provide alcohol as a part of any social gathering involving other Early Arrival students or first-year students. Violating this policy may result in disciplinary action.
  • Early Arrival students will not prevent or attempt to prevent first-year students from attending general Undergraduate Orientation events.

The University reserves the right to decline participation to any Early Arrival candidate who does not meet the requirements above or who violates the Early Arrival Policy.

G. Email Policy


Please be aware that the University’s primary method of communicating with students is through email. We will do our best to limit the number of emails that you receive from us, but in many cases, including information about registration, campus emergencies, special events, and Commencement, email may be the only communication used. It is your responsibility to check your Tufts email account regularly. If you use another email account, please make certain that you forward your Tufts email to the account you regularly use.

H. Trustee Statement on Freedom of Expression


Tufts University is an educational community that has as its paramount mission the discovery and dissemination of knowledge and the pursuit of the arts through study, teaching, and research. For this community to achieve its mission, all members must have full and equal opportunity to pursue personal and intellectual growth.

Freedom of expression and inquiry are fundamental to the academic enterprise. Without freedom of expression, community members cannot fully share their knowledge or test ideas on the anvil of open debate and criticism. Without freedom of inquiry, community members cannot search for new knowledge or challenge conventional wisdom.

Freedom of expression and inquiry are not absolute. The law, for example, provides that freedom of expression does not include the right to slander the reputation of another, to engage in specified forms of harassment, to threaten or obstruct a speaker who advances unwelcome ideas, or to incite another person to violence. Scholarly inquiry also is limited by federal and state regulation, ethical tenets, and professional standards designed to protect human and animal subjects. In addition, the University seeks to ensure the orderly function of the educational enterprise and to ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the discovery and dissemination of knowledge.

Members of the Tufts community owe one another the basic respect and ethical obligations of human beings engaged in a common endeavor. While not enjoying the force of law, these obligations reflect three basic community values:

  1.  respect for the freedom of other community members to inquire and express themselves fully;
  2. the need to exercise freedom of expression and inquiry in ways that respect the human dignity of others;
  3. the importance of a climate at Tufts that is conducive to learning and in which all community members, regardless of background, are free from behavior that interferes with their ability to study, grow, and attain their full potential. Members of the university community, including academic and administrative leaders, must hold accountable those who do not respect these values.

When community values are not respected, every member of the Tufts community has an obligation to respond. Those who are the target of such speech should not and must not bear the burden of responding alone. An affront against any member of our community is an affront to all of us. It is only by affirming our collective values that we can build a stronger, more cohesive, and more vibrant community where differences are respected and all are made to feel welcome.

It is incumbent upon all members of the Tufts community, and especially the University leadership, to educate the community about the diverse world in which we live and to support and empower members whose rights are violated. In the end, freedom of expression and inquiry is necessary but not sufficient on its own for learning to take place. Achieving our educational mission requires an environment of respect, tolerance, and civil dialogue.

Approved by the Tufts Board of Trustees, November 7, 2009

I. Good Standing Policy

Tufts University defines a student as being in “good standing” as long as they remain actively enrolled and not on Academic Probation or higher and/or not on Disciplinary Probation or higher. Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing in order to study abroad. Be sure to check with Tufts Global Education for current enrollment requirements. See the Tufts Bulletin for an explanation of Academic Probation and the Student Conduct Resolution Procedure for an explanation of Disciplinary Probation. Transfer credit toward the Tufts degree will be accepted only from students who are in good academic and disciplinary standing at the time of enrollment in the study abroad program. Students must be in good standing to be eligible to participate in varsity sport programs or to hold office in a student organization. Also note that some campus selection processes, including those for residential staff, peer advisers and social Greek organizations have defined their own eligibility criteria.

J. Human-Subject Research Proposals


From time to time, students are requested by researched of Tufts University and other institutions to take part in human subject research projects. Most of these projects provide useful information on behavioral, social, and physiological reactions. The university has designated the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to set policies and standards for the use of students, faculty members, and other personnel in these projects. Failure to obtain IRB approval or an exemption prior to beginning human subject research is considered non-compliance. The University is required to report serious or continuing non-compliance or the suspension of human subject research to the Office of Human Research Protections at the Department of Health and Human Services and to any funding agencies that may be involved. For the researcher, non-compliance can result in suspension of research, inability to publish, destruction of data, and other sanctions. For the institution, it could mean the suspension of its FWA, which would cause all human subject research at Tufts to stop until FWA is reinstated. Often, reinstatement requires that all studies be reviewed again before they resume. This is a serious matter for both individuals and for the community and it is critically important that everyone follow the appropriate procedures for human subject research. For more information, click here.

K. ID Cards


Students are expected to carry with them at all times the official picture ID card issued during orientation by University Police. It is required for admission to many university functions, residence halls, dining halls, and sports events, and is necessary for library privileges, etc. Upon request of the University Police or university officials, a student must present his or her Tufts ID.

Fraudulently obtaining, altering, or misusing a university-issued ID will lead to disciplinary action. Participation in the manufacturing and distributing of false identification cards of any type will lead to separation from the university.

Falsifying or possessing a phony driver’s license is a crime in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In addition to a minimum fine of $500 for this offense, the state recently passed legislation making the penalty for use of a false ID in obtaining alcohol suspension of the right to drive in the state for six months on a first offense. The legislation applies to individuals regardless of their state of residency.

L. International Travel Safety


Tufts is committed to the safety and well-being of its students, faculty and staff when they participate in international travel and realizes that some areas of the world present heightened health and safety risks. In particular, countries that have U.S. Department of State Travel Warnings have been identified as regions that require special efforts to mitigate risk.

The Tufts Global Operations office can be reached at internationalsafety@tufts.edu

Assistance and Emergency Help Abroad

If you are abroad and need help:

  1. Call the equivalent of ‘911’, if appropriate
  2. Call International SOS at + 215-942-8226 (worldwide, 24/7/365) for additional help, including non-emergency help. You may call collect. You should identify yourself as a Tufts student. International SOS will contact Tufts on your behalf, if appropriate.

International SOS provides medical and security advice and referrals and emergency evacuation services to eligible Tufts travelers abroad. To ensure access to these services, it is crucial that all international travel be registered in the Tufts Travel Registry. International SOS will inform the appropriate parties and stakeholders at Tufts University.

Please also consider downloading the International SOS app as it will give you access to real-time alerts in your location, in addition to a “Call for Assistance” button that connects you to the closest International SOS Assistance Center. The Tufts Membership number is 11BCPS000093.

Download the International SOS App

Tufts Travel Registry

The Tufts Travel Registry is a confidential and secure database for maintaining key travel information for all Tufts affiliates conducting university-related international travel. The Travel Registry is the official and authoritative source of traveler information for the university’s emergency response protocols and communications (e.g., alerts, warnings, evacuation notices) when responding to an emergency or critical incident abroad.

All students are required to register their university-related travel. University-related travel includes travel that is

  • led by university faculty and staff;
  • promoted, organized, or endorsed by faculty, staff and units;
  • funded by the university;
  • where credit or degree requirements are fulfilled.

Benefits of Registering

  • Travelers receive free-of-charge emergency travel medical coverage
  • In the event of an emergency, this registry will enable Tufts to locate and contact Tufts travelers to coordinate help
  • The registry allows travelers to securely store a copy of their passport

For more information, please visit the Tufts Travel Registry. If you have any questions, please email internationalsafety@tufts.edu.

Tufts Travel Review

Tufts supports and encourages international travel and collaborations and recognizes that a global perspective is essential to its academic mission. For students planning travel to 

  • Any country subject to a Department of State rating of 3 (“Reconsider Travel”) and 4 (“Do not travel”)
  • Any country in which a region/area is subject to a Department of State rating of 3 (“Reconsider Travel”) or 4 (“Do not travel”)

a review process has been established to help ensure that students are adequately prepared and that necessary safety and security measures have been put in place.

  • All Tufts Students (undergraduate or graduate) who are traveling internationally for any Tufts sponsored, Tufts- administered, or Tufts-related activity/program to the above identified countries must have their travel reviewed and approved. Students must adhere to this policy regardless of the nature and type of their travel - whether it is as individuals or in groups, with or without University funding. University funding is contingent upon approval of the travel; no University funds will be released if the travel is not approved.

Students can check whether the travel destination is subject to review at go.tufts.edu/internationalsafety

Student requests for travel review should be received at least four weeks prior to departure and within the published deadlines. The request for review  should be submitted as early as possible to allow for any logistical changes that have to be made to travel plans. Students should not purchase any flights until after receiving written approval for their travel.

M. Minor Safety Policy


The Tufts community offers many opportunities for volunteerism and involvement both on and off the campus both as part of the curriculum and co-curricular life. During your time at the University, many of you will become involved with programs, courses or campus organizations that work with high school students for younger students. The University has an obligation to safeguard the safety of all of the youngsters who work with our faculty, staff and students. Most of this is addressed by common sense. However, like most universities, Tufts has developed a code of conduct specific to working with young people. Please read Tufts’ Policy to Protect Children and Prevent Abuse. 

N. Missing Person Policy


Tufts University has adopted the following policy with respect to students who are reported to be missing from the Tufts community, in accordance with the requirements of the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008.

  • All students have the option to register a “missing person contact” to be notified in the event you are determined to be missing. The missing person contact, if one is so designated, may be in addition to and separate from the person you have designated as an emergency contact, which is already on file with the university. The university will consider your “emergency contact” to be the person to be notified if you are reported as missing and you did not specify another contact specifically for this purpose. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officials will have access to this information. Students in Arts and Science, Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts and Science should go to the Dean of Students office in Dowling Hall if you want to designate a missing person contact. Graduate students on the University’s Boston and Grafton campuses and those in the Fletcher School should go to the Registrar’s Office on their campus.
  • Students, employees, or other individuals should inform the Tufts University Police Department or their Dean of Students Office if it is believed that a student is missing.
  • If it is determined that a student has been missing for more than 24 hours, or if circumstances require more immediate action, the university will notify the local law enforcement agency and the student’s missing person contact or, (if none has been designated) his or her designated emergency contact. If the student is under 18 years of age and is not emancipated, the university will also notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian.

O. Outside Recruitment Policy


Tufts facilitates access for students to available employment opportunities in order that they may freely consider and select employment positions compatible with their individual interests. The university provides interview opportunities on an impartial basis to all bona fide employers. Recruiting may be arranged through the Career Services Office: 617-627-3299.

The University is committed to maintaining a fair and equitable recruitment process, which is consistent with the fundamental principles of academic freedom, equal employment opportunity, and affirmative action. This policy also addresses the requirements of the federal Solomon Amendment, reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in 2006, which requires that universities facilitate recruiting on campus by the armed services, including both ROTC scholarships opportunities and employment recruiting.

In administering the recruitment process, the university will not sanction the infringement of the rights of free assembly and free speech or the intimidation of any persons or the interference with persons seeking to perform their duties as administrators, faculty, staff, students, or employers.

P. Parking


Resident first-year students and sophomores are not permitted to keep or register a motor vehicle on campus. In rare occasions an exception may be made by the Dean of Students Office. Resident juniors, and seniors, and students commuting from home are permitted to obtain a parking pass that allows them to park on campus.

You may not register a car for another student. Individuals who purchase a parking decal for another student are in violation of university policy, and the matter will be referred to the Dean of Students Office for disciplinary action. Students involved in altering or misrepresentation of a parking decal will be subject to Disciplinary Probation and may lose parking privileges as well as receive a fine. Flagrant disregard of parking regulations resulting in the accumulation of multiple parking violations by an individual student (paid or unpaid) could result in loss of campus parking privileges.

For complete information, please contact the Tufts University Police Department: 617-627-3030.

Q. University Political Activities Policy


The University is committed to free and open discussion of ideas and opinions. Tufts encourages students, faculty, and staff to exercise their civic rights to participate as individuals in the electoral process. Because the University is a tax-exempt entity, Tufts is prohibited by law to participate in or attempt to influence campaigns for any elective public office. Federal Election Commission regulations also restrict political activity of educational institutions. To comply with these and related legal requirements, the University maintains this Policy with respect to political activities on campus.

With regard to support or opposition to candidates for election to public office, members of the University community are free to express their opinions and engage in political activities in their individual capacities but need to avoid the appearance that they are speaking or acting on behalf of the University.


  • This policy applies only to declared candidates.
  • The University is open to viewpoints on a non-partisan basis and suggests that invitations to speak be extended to all rather than selected candidates.
  • It should be made clear to the candidate and the campaign that no fundraising may take place during the appearance or other visit to campus.
  • Reasonable efforts should be made to ensure that the event does not become a campaign rally, but rather is a speech on a given topic delivered in an academic environment.
  • The sponsoring organization should make clear in the introduction of the speaker and in all publicity and notices for the event that the candidate is speaking at the invitation of the organization (not the invitation of Tufts University) and that Tufts University does not endorse political candidates.
  • Any expenses associated with the event that are typically not covered by Tufts should be billed to the sponsoring organization so that there is no appearance of sponsorship by the University.

R. Policies on Promotions, Solicitations, and Gatherings on Campus


Posters, Flyers, Banners

Below are basic guidelines for campus advertising. Students should consult the Office for Campus Life for the complete poster policy: 617-627-3212.

  • No banners may be posted on the exterior of any university buildings, including residence halls and fraternities and sororities. No banners may be hung or draped on trees, lampposts, or other structures, including stakes in the ground. Banners or placards may be held by those participating in an event, rally, or demonstration.
  • Posters and flyers advertising events sponsored by TCU-recognized and university-registered student organizations, including all fraternities and sororities, may be posted only in authorized areas.
  • The name of the sponsoring group must appear on all posters, flyers, or ads, and the content must conform to state law and university policies.
  • No student organization may advertise off campus, except through electronic means, without permission from the Director of the Office of Campus Life.
  • Posters may not be affixed using adhesive-backed material that cannot be removed easily.


Authorized Areas

Authorized areas include university bulletin boards installed for this purpose, the walls along the library steps, and the stairway walls between the bookstore and the Mayer Campus Center. Bulletin boards are located throughout most campus buildings as well as at various outdoor locations around campus.

Unauthorized Areas

Unauthorized outdoor areas include exteriors of buildings, stairs, walls, fences, trees, pavement, Memorial Steps, the exterior of Curtis Hall, Jumbo II, on stakes in the ground, handrails, light poles, barrels, etc. Posting on glass surfaces (windows, doors, etc.) are prohibited.

Residence Halls

Recognized groups wishing to advertise within the residential community may provide the necessary flyers or posters to the Office of Residential Life and Learning for distribution to the residential staff.

Mayer Campus Center

The Campus Center maintains three campus events boards, a for sale/for rent board, and an off-campus event board. One poster per event is permitted. No commercial advertising is permitted. Please contact the Office of Student Activities for the complete policy.


The policy on chalking, with the exceptions noted below, allows for the chalking of messages on campus sidewalks.

  • No chalking of any kind on Matriculation Day or Commencement.
  • No profanity or explicit sexual material.
  • No defaming of groups or individuals because of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, veteran status, or disability.
  • No chalking on vertical surfaces, which are less likely to be affected by rain.

Table Tent Regulations and Procedures

Authorization for the use of a table tents and tabling in dining facilities is the responsibility of Dining Services. Contact the unit manager of each hall for permission.

Outside Organizations

Non-recognized, unregistered, or commercial organizations may not post advertising of any kind on campus without prior approval from the Office of Campus Life. Postering by off-campus or non-recognized groups must be limited to a maximum of twenty-five copies of one poster on the Medford/Somerville campus and one per building.

Unauthorized Removal of Posters, Flyers, Etc.

Removing or defacing posters, newspapers, magazines, notices, flyers, etc. without authorization may constitute vandalism or censorship and maybe subject to disciplinary action.

Guidelines for Solicitation, Vending, and Distribution

The University, through the Office of Campus Life, regulates, and issues permits for all commercial activity and/or solicitations on the campus. These activities include (but are not limited to) fundraising, raffles, distribution of produces and promotional materials, political leafleting or solicitation, sales, and solicitation for any purpose. All groups must receive permission from the director of the Office of Campus Life before engaging in the above activities on university property. Permission never includes door-to-door canvassing or sales in the residence halls. Soliciting or selling by telephone to students in residence halls is also strictly prohibited.

Distribution or Solicitation by Non-University Parties

While Tufts students have certain rights to distribute materials on campus (as described above), non-university parties are limited in solicitation or distribution to public walkways and streets. The university cannot intervene if a group is unobtrusively leafleting on a public sidewalk (e.g., in front of the Mayer Campus Center). However, students are encouraged to report such activity to the Tufts University Police Department, (617-627-3030) if:

  • The leafletters are harassing or obstructing passersby in any way.
  • The leafletters are not on public ways, but instead are on University property (such as residence halls or their courtyards, dining halls, or academic areas).
  • Literature is being placed on cars parking on University property.

Organizations may occasionally distribute materials in the Mayer Campus Center lobby as guests of recognized registered student organizations. In order to do so, the student organization must reserve a table space with the Office of Campus Life and be present throughout the tabling.

S. Religious Observances


Students are encouraged to observe their religious holy days, and instructors and coaches are asked to facilitate observance by allowing absence from classes, practices, and competitions for this purpose. Instructors and coaches should avoid scheduling exams, oral reports, or other mandatory class participation, practices, and competitions on university-recognized holy days. Some departments have established policies to address this issue. Check your syllabus or consult your professors or coaches about conflicts.

T. Residency Requirements


Entering first-years and sophomores (including transfer students) are required to live on campus per the University’s Two-Year Residency Requirement for AS&E undergraduate students.

Students may request an accommodations or exception to the Two-Year Residency Requirement for medical or religious reasons. Students should contact residentiallife@tufts.edu to inquire about an accommodation or exception. The Office of Residential Life and Learning will work with Student Accessibility Services and/or the University Chaplaincy as appropriate to review such requests. If approved, students who are granted an accommodations or exception to the Two-Year Residency Requirement will be permitted to live off campus during their first and sophomores years.

We encourage all students who will be living off campus to make use of the resources available through Residential Life, including our Off-Campus Housing website.

Please note the following:

  • Incoming transfer students of first-year or sophomore class status (as determined by the Registrar) are required to live on campus as part of this residency policy.
  • Incoming students should request an accommodations or exception to the Two-Year Residency Requirement for the Fall and/or Spring Semester of their first year as soon as possible after they have confirmed their intention to enroll at Tufts. At the latest, incoming students should request an accommodation or exception by the date the Housing Survey is due (early-to-mid June, posted as part of incoming students’ New Student Checklist). Current first-year students should request an accommodations or exception to the Two-Year Residency Requirement by November 1 for the Fall Semester of their sophomore year and by July 1 for the Spring Semester of their sophomore year.
  • Once a student has been approved for an accommodations or exception to the Two-Year Residency Requirement, they will be automatically removed from consideration for on-campus housing for all subsequent semesters.
  • Once a student has been approved for an accommodations or exception to the Two-Year Residency Requirement, Residential Life is unable to revert a student's status as an off-campus resident for the upcoming semester.
  • Students may revert their status as an off-campus resident for a subsequent semester or semesters. They may do so without re-initiating the standard Two-Year Residency Requirement.
  • Students should contact residentiallife@tufts.edu at the earliest possible date to revert their status as an off-campus resident, and they must do so by November 1 for the following Fall Semester and July 1 for the following Spring Semester.

U. Roof Access

Fall Protection Program

Fall Protection Program

I. Applicability

This program establishes a means to analyze elevated work tasks and determine appropriate personal protection against falls in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Construction and General Industry regulations:

  • “Fall Protection,” 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M
  • “Walking and Working Surfaces,” 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D
  • “Powered Platform, Man lifts, & Vehicle-Mounted Platforms,” 29 CFR 1910 Subpart F

II. Overview

Conformance to this Procedure will aid Tufts University in preventing falls by avoiding work at heights where possible; use work equipment or other controls to prevent falls; and minimize the consequences if a fall should occur. This procedure applies to Tufts employees and contractors working at heights above 4 feet or 6 feet for construction related activities.

Employees will not be required, nor allowed to perform any duties which require the employee to get closer than fifteen feet to an unprotected edge, platform, and walkway of any building or utilize elevated equipment unless the employee is properly secured from falling.

Warning systems must be in place on a roof 15 feet from the edge to warn employees that they are approaching an unprotected opening (including skylights), roof side or edge, and which designates an area in where roofing work may take place without the use of guardrails, fall arrest, or safety net systems to protect employees in the area.

Employees working from a mobile elevated work structure (i.e. scissor lift, boom, etc.) must wear a harness and lanyard, which is tied off to the platform of the elevated work structure.

Falls from roofs are generally fatal or can result in serious injury and permanent disability. Hence actions must be taken to prevent faculty, students, contractors and visitors from sustaining injury or death as a result of a fall from a roof at Tufts University.

Members of Tufts community, their guests and visitors, are prohibited from accessing areas of the campus which are not designed for regular access, such as roofs. Exceptions to this policy are specifically allowed by applicable policy, and for roofs, only after a person needing access to a roof has been trained and authorized to access roofs.

Tufts University roofs are restricted area and not accessible to any person unless that person received specific authorization and training by Tufts Facility Services personnel regarding the safety requirements of accessing and performing work on university roofs.

All access doors and hatches to roofs will be secured from unauthorized access.

In accordance with Facilities Services, all persons accessing Tufts roofs will complete a risk assessment using attachment 1.1 each time the operation on the roof is conducted.

The hazards associated with work on roofs includes falling through openings and falling off edges. The protection of openings is discussed in the Risk Management section of this program.

III. Definitions

Term Definition
Anchorage A secure point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards or deceleration devices.
Competent Person A person who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions associated with the work at height which are hazardous, or dangerous to employees and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to solve work at height problems. (for example – supervisor or team leader of authorized person)
Construction Related Activities Activities that involve building, erecting new structures or processes, relocation of equipment or processes, installation of new processes, etc. This does not include typical maintenance activities such as painting, changing of light bulbs or related fixtures, electrical work, preventive maintenance activities, etc.
Fall Arrest System A fall arrest system includes the proper anchorage, body support (harness), and connecting means (lanyards/lifelines) interconnected and rigged to arrest a free fall. The primary function of a fall arrest system is to minimize the consequences of a fall rather than preventing its occurrence. The use of fall arrest equipment should be recognized as a means of minimizing injuries sustained from a fall. It does not prevent the fall.
Full Body Harness An engineered design of straps which are secured about the employee in a manner that will distribute the fall arrest forces over the thighs, pelvis, waist, chest and shoulders with means of attaching it to other components of a personal fall arrest system.
Guard Rail System A barrier erected to prevent employees from falling to lower levels. Design requirements must meet local engineering codes and applicable OSHA regulations.
High Angle Rescue A situation where a victim is elevated above ground greater than 10 feet or below ground and must be moved and/or rescued by the use of rope and/or mechanical advantage systems and rigging.
Leading Edge Means the edge of a floor or roof.
Low-Slope Roof A roof having a slope less than or equal to 4:12 (vertical to horizontal).
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms Vehicle mounted aerial devices, elevating rolling work platform, boom-type elevating work platform, or self-propelled elevating work platform.
Personal Fall Arrest System An approved system used to arrest an employee in a fall from a working level.  It consists of an anchor point, anchorage devices, connectors, full body harness, and may include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or suitable combinations of these.
Personal Fall Restraint System System that prevents a worker from reaching an unprotected leading edge on a horizontal surface, such as a roof.  May include guard rails, cable systems, and fixed anchor points.
Program Administrator Responsible for all phases of the fall protection plan, including its development, implementation and ongoing monitoring. Additionally, the administrator must have a working knowledge of fall protection regulations, standards, equipment and systems.
Qualified Person A person who, by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully demonstrated to the organization or the organization’s designee the ability to resolve problems relating to work at height or the project.  (for example - EHS professional, Engineer, Subject Matter Expert, 3rd Party)
Self-Rescue Reach the fallen worker from the structure and pull the victim back to the safety of the structure.
Unprotected Sides and Edges Any side or edge (except at entrances to points of access) of a walking/working surface, e.g., floor, roof, ramp or runway where there is no wall or guardrail system at least 42 inches (105 cm) high.
Warning Line System A physical warning on a roof 15 feet from the edge to warn employees that they are approaching an unprotected opening (including skylights), roof side or edge, and which designates an area in where roofing work may take place without the use of guardrails, fall arrest, or safety net systems to protect employees in the area.
Work At Heights Work performed at a height equal to or greater than 4 feet or 6 feet for construction related activities in terms of risk assessment and risk management.

IV. Responsibilities

 Competent Persons shall:

  1. Implement all aspects of the program for work areas under their control;
  2. Receive training for “competent person” as defined by OSHA for fall protection;
  3. Act as the “competent person” for job sites under their control that contain fall hazards;
  4. Evaluate fall hazards in work areas under their control; and
  5. Ensure that employees are informed, trained, and provided with the appropriate fall protection systems and equipment to be protected from potential fall hazards associated with job tasks.

 Qualified Persons shall:

  1. Maintain professional certification or other requirements in their subject field;
  2. Provide design, analysis, evaluation and specification in their subject field;
  3. Maintain records of their designs, analyses, evaluations, and specifications according to the requirements of the Fall Protection Program.

Supervisors shall:

  1. Ensure that employees are informed, trained, and provided with the appropriate fall protection systems and equipment to be protected from potential fall hazards associated with job tasks; and
  2. Coordinate the correction of fall hazards brought to their attention by employees.

Employees shall:

  1. Use a means of fall protection (guardrails, personal fall arrest/restraint systems, or safety monitor) for all work from elevated heights greater than 6 feet for construction work and 4 feet for industrial maintenance work;
  2. Alert their supervisors when requested to work from heights without a means of fall protection;
  3. Alert their supervisor about the level of fall protection training they have or have not received when requested to work from elevated heights;
  4. Report incidents relating to fall hazards to their supervisor.

Contractors shall:

  1. Be aware of the requirements outlined in this program,
  2. Provide all personal fall arrest systems to their employees,
  3. Submit site specific fall protection plan for review by persons with authorized oversight,
  4. Wear fall protection consistent with the requirements outlined in this document and all other applicable regulations.
  5. Provide a competent person for fall protection onsite when providing constructions services while working on roofs or contact Tufts EHS or Facilities Services for guidance.

V. Risk Assessment

All work at height tasks being performed shall be assessed initially and upon any task changes by a Competent Person prior to the work (using attachment 1.1) commencing to identify if there is a risk of a fall and the control measures to be implemented.

VI. Risk Management

This risk assessment can be done as part of a site-wide risk assessment for all routine tasks.  For non-routine or modified tasks, the risk assessment shall be done prior to the task being undertaken. 

Where the risk of a fall from work at height is identified, a hazard identification and risk assessment shall be documented for the intended task(s) and the following hierarchy of risk control measures shall be applied (in descending order) to either eliminate the risk or reduce the chance of a fall to as low as reasonably practicable. Only where it is not reasonably practical to use a higher order control may you then use a control at the next lower level: 

Eliminate the risk of a fall completely, e.g. relocate the work to a safe working height, to the ground or existing solid construction with guardrail/walls, etc. 

Engineering or Substitution 
If it is not reasonably practical to eliminate the risk of a fall, reduce the risk by the use of passive fall protection equipment e.g. guard-railing, scissor lifts, elevated work platforms, scaffolds, etc.  Work from any mobile elevated work structure, shall require the additional use of a Personal Fall Arrest System.

Work Positioning System
If it is not reasonably practical to eliminate the risk or use passive fall protection, use work positioning systems to physically prevent a fall from occurring.

Personal Fall Arrest System
If it is not reasonably practical to use the above options, the use of Personal Fall Arrest Systems to arrest a fall after it occurs shall be used.  Body belts are not permitted for use as part of a Personal Fall Arrest System.

Administrative Controls
If none of the above measures are reasonably practical, or the risk of a fall still remains, the risk shall be reduced by the use of documented administrative controls that specify the procedures to be used to mitigate the risk, such as Warning Line System, Fall Protection Plan, Work at Heights Permit, Job Safety Analysis, etc.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment shall be used to minimize fall hazards where engineering controls do not eliminate the hazard or in conjunction with engineering controls.

Personal Fall Arrest System

The use of a personal fall arrest system is the required personal protective equipment for fall hazards at Tufts University. A personal fall arrest system consists of a full-body harness, lanyard, and anchor point OR a full-body harness, lanyard, lifeline, anchor point, and deceleration/grabbing device. All fall protection equipment shall meet or exceed appropriate American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards. Tufts employees shall use only commercially manufactured equipment specifically designed for fall protection and certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. All fall protection equipment must bear the marking of the manufacturer and approvals for specified use. Requirements for a personal fall arrest system include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Body Harness - Only full-body harnesses shall be used. The use of a body belt as fall protection is prohibited.
  2. Connecting Device - Shock-absorbing lanyards and lifelines
    1. Lanyards and lifelines shall have a minimum breaking strength of 5000 pounds;
    2. Lanyards shall not exceed six feet in length. Lanyards used on aerial lift devices should not exceed 4 feet in length to reduce slack;
    3. Ropes and straps (webbing) used in lanyards, lifelines, and strength components of body harnesses shall be made from synthetic fibers;
    4. Connecting assemblies shall have a minimum tensile strength of 5,000 pounds;
    5. The maximum free fall distance is six feet for all systems;
    6. The maximum deceleration distance is 3.5 feet;
    7. Personal fall arrest systems shall have sufficient strength to withstand twice the potential impact energy of the falling employee;
  3. Anchorage - Anchorage point and anchorage connector
    1. Anchorages used for personal fall arrest systems shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and be capable of supporting at least 5000 pounds per employee attached;
    2. A qualified person shall determine all anchor points, both temporary and permanent. Permanent anchor points shall be properly marked;
    3. Personal fall arrest systems shall not be attached to guardrail systems, nor shall they be attached to hoists except as specified in other regulations.

Maintenance and Inspection

Personal Fall Arrest Systems and associated devices/equipment shall be visually inspected prior to each use, and periodically per manufacturers’ specifications, for excessive wear, damage and other sign of deterioration. (see attachment 1.2)

  • Periodic inspections (attachment 1.2) shall be documented.
  • Defective or out of date equipment shall be immediately removed from service and tagged.
  • Personal Fall Arrest Systems that are involved in a fall arrest incident must be taken out of service immediately and permanently. Retractable lifelines must be sent back to the manufacturer for repair and re-certification or destroyed.
  • Harnesses, lanyards, and retractable devices must have a legible tag or data plate attached to the device or it must be taken out of service.
  • Fall protection equipment must be replaced as required per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Fall protection equipment must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This includes weight and size limitations, and must not be altered in any way without the manufacturer’s written authorization.

VII. Roof Access Procedure

Tufts limits the access to roofs to those individuals who have a specific purpose on the roof and when work can be performed safely, under lighting and weather conditions that exist at the time of the operation. Facilities Service staff and/or their contractors are the primary users of roofs at Tufts, therefore Facilities Service personnel are responsible for training and authorizing personnel before roof access is permitted.

  1. All Facilities Service staff whose job requires roof access will participate in annual training on the requirements of the Fall Protection Program and how to use the information in the posted Risk Assessment for each building.
  2. All non-Facilities Service employees requiring access to a roof will contact Facilities Services work control and arrange for a Facilities Service staff member to meet at the access point with a copy of the risk assessment for that building and roof.
  3. Limitations to access due to inclement weather i.e. wind, rain, ice, snow will be noted on the risk assessment form. Roof access may have to be postponed until weather and roof conditions improve.
  4. In some cases, access to roof areas with slate or extreme pitch will be denied and access will require the use of scaffolding or aerial lifts.

Effective roof work fall protection techniques are intended to protect workers while providing the mobility and comfort necessary to perform work tasks. Several techniques are available and are described below.

  1. Low-slope or Flat Roofs (slope less than or equal to 4:12 vertical to horizontal)
    Each employee engaged in roofing activities on low-slope roofs, with unprotected sides and edges 6 feet or more above lower levels shall be protected from falling by guardrail systems, parapets (minimum height 39 inches and able to support 200 pounds), safety net systems, personal fall arrest systems, or a combination of warning line system and guardrail system, warning line system and safety net system, or warning line system and personal fall arrest system, or warning line system and safety monitoring system. Or, on roofs 50-feet or less in width the use of a safety monitoring system alone [i.e. without the warning line system] is permitted.
  2. Steep roofs (slope greater than 4:12 vertical to horizontal)
    Each employee on a steep roof with unprotected sides and edges 6 feet or more above lower levels shall be protected from falling by guardrail systems with toe boards, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems.
  3. Slate roofs Tufts University has slate roofs that area easily damaged by foot traffic, climbing devices and scaffolding. A mechanical lift shall be used to inspect and repair slate roofs.
  4. Personal Fall Arrest System
    1. The system of choice for fall protection on roofs is a standard handrail, in the absence of a handrail the preferred protection is a personal fall arrest system;
    2. Requirements for personal fall arrest systems are found in the Fall Protection Personal Protection Equipment section of this program; and
    3. Personal fall arrest systems for roof work must be designed by a qualified person.
  5. Designated Areas
    As an alternative to installing guardrails, a designated area may be established. Designated areas are of a temporary nature only. The following condition and requirements must be met in order to use designated areas in lieu of other fall protection measures:
    1. The work must be of a temporary nature, such as maintenance on roof top equipment;
    2. Designated areas shall be established only on surfaces that have a slope from horizontal of 10 degrees or less; and
    3. The designated area shall consist of an area surrounded by a rope, wire, or chain and supporting stanchions.
      1. Shall be constructed with ropes, wires or chains of 500-lb tensile strength. Barrier tape is strictly prohibited;
      2. The warning line system of the designated area will have uprights capable of withstanding withstand 16-lb force at 30-in. height. The line will be of rope, wire, chain of 500-lb tensile strength. The line shall be flagged at 6-ft intervals. Height of the warning line shall be 34-39 inches. The line will be attached to uprights with no line slip;
      3. After being erected with the line attached, stanchions shall be capable or resisting, without tipping over, a force of at least 16 pounds applied 30 inches above the base;
      4. The line shall be attached at each stanchion in such a way that pulling on one section of the line between stanchions will not result in slack being taken up in adjacent sections before the stanchion tips over;
      5. The line forming the designated area shall be clearly visible from any unobstructed location within the designated area up to 25 feet away;
      6. The stanchions shall be erected as close to the work area as is permitted by the task;
      7. The perimeter of the designated area shall be erected no less than 15 feet from the unprotected side or edge; and
      8. Access to the designated area shall be by a clear path formed by two lines attached to stanchions.

VIII. Rescue

Qualified personnel must ensure that appropriate emergency procedures are established, documented, and communicated to all affected employees, before any work at height is undertaken. 

Qualified personnel must ensure that emergency procedures:

  • Enable the rescue of an employee in the event of a fall, and
  • Provide for first aid to an employee who has fallen

Qualified personnel must ensure that emergency response shall commence within 15 minutes.  The following are examples of emergency response that can be used:

  • Self-rescue
  • Assisted rescue
  • Self-descent device
  • High-angle rescue

IX. Ariel Lifts

Aerial lifts include the following types of vehicle mounted aerial devices used to elevate personnel to job sites above ground:

  • Articulating boom platforms are designed to reach up and over obstacles.
  • Extensible or telescoping boom platforms may extend over one hundred feet.
  • Vehicle mounted bucket lifts are used to repair utility lines.
  • Scissor lifts extend into the air via a series of crisscross supports.
  • Personal man lifts are lightweight and designed for one person to use indoor.
  1. Specific requirements
    1. Aerial lifts shall be secured in the lower traveling position before the truck is moved for highway travel;
    2. Lift controls shall be tested each day prior to use;
    3. Only personnel authorized by a fall protection competent person and trained in the operations of the lift shall operate an aerial lift:
    4. Employees shall always stand firmly on the floor of the basket and shall not sit or climb on the edge of the basket or use planks, ladders, or other devices for a work position;
    5. A full-body harness shall be worn and a lanyard attached to the engineered anchor point in the basket when working from an aerial lift (exception: a harness is not required in a scissor lift or personal man lift with surrounding guardrail system and closing gate or latch chain);
    6. Belting off to an adjacent pole structure, or equipment while working from an aerial lift shall not be permitted;
    7. Boom and basket load limits specified by the manufacturer shall not be exceeded;
    8. The brakes shall be set and when outriggers are used, they shall be positioned on pads or other solid surface. Wheel chocks shall be installed when using an aerial lift on an incline;
    9. An aerial lift truck shall not be moved when the boom is elevated in a working position, except for equipment which is specifically designed for this type of operation;
    10. Articulating and extensible boom platforms shall have both platform and ground controls; and
    11. Before moving an aerial lift for travel, the boom shall be inspected to ensure that it is properly cradled and outriggers are in the stowed position.

X. Training

Personnel performing work at height shall be trained in site-specific fall protection procedures, and any task specific procedures that are established, prior to performing any work at height. 

Employees shall demonstrate an understanding of the training and use of the equipment.  This shall be accomplished through a documented exam and documented practical demonstration.

Refresher training shall be provided when;

  • Changes in the workplace render previous training obsolete,
  • Changes in the types of Fall Protection equipment to be used render previous training obsolete, Workplace observations indicate that employees have not retained an understanding of the skills acquired through their initial training,
  • Changes are made to the Fall Protection Program, or
  • Qualified or competent personnel identify the need.

Personnel who maintain and inspect Personal Fall Arrest Systems must receive formal training on how to properly maintain and inspect Personal Fall Arrest Systems.  The training shall be conducted by a Qualified person, a Competent person, or outside resource. Tufts EHS will provide advice and guidance on required training for personnel involved with working at heights.

XI. Program Audit

Tufts shall perform a documented annual evaluation of the entire Fall Protection Program. The annual evaluation shall include a thorough review of the following:

  • The Fall Protection Program to determine if it is complete and up to date.
  • Fall protection risk assessments to evaluate the thoroughness and completeness of the assessment.
  • Equipment inspection checklists to evaluate the thoroughness and completeness.
  • Training records to determine if all required training was appropriately conducted and attended.

V. Social Registration Policy

V. Social Event Registration Policy 

All social events hosted by students or student organizations that occur on campus, in university-affiliated housing on or off campus, or at off-campus venues when sponsored by student organizations must be registered.  Hosts are required to complete the Social Event Registration Process and comply with all process guidance. 

A social event is defined as any gathering or event with 15 or more people in attendance that is or would likely be perceived by a reasonable person as primarily or exclusively social in nature (i.e., differentiated from an organization business meeting, a community service event, a performance or show, or other types of student organization events which have different event guidelines). Social events may or may not have alcohol present.  

Social events with alcohol must submit a detailed risk management plan and follow specific guidelines specified here and in the social event registration process.  Alcohol consumption by people who are 21 or over is permitted at a registered social event only when one of the following criteria is met: 

  • The organization hires a licensed and insured vendor (Tufts Catering on campus or a private catering or bartending service off campus) to serve alcohol and be responsible for verifying age of the guests who are served.  Hosts are responsible for cooperating with vendor’s staff and following their guidelines. 

  • The event is BYOB: Each guest of legal drinking age may bring their own alcohol in sealed, store-bought containers. Hosts do not provide any alcohol, and guests do not share alcohol amongst each other.  Hosts are responsible for making sure that guests consuming alcohol at their event are of legal drinking age, and that guests are only consuming alcohol they brought. Alcohol must be less than 15% ABV. *  

  • The host purchases and serves alcohol in a limited quantity (approximately 2 drinks per guest 21 or over). The host is responsible for verifying legal drinking age of all guests, preventing service to underage individuals, and preventing all guests from being overserved. All alcohol must be less than 15% ABV.* 

When alcohol is present at a registered social event, the following additional rules apply: 

  • Open-source containers (e.g., punch) are prohibited. 

  • The type and amount of alcohol in each drink must be known to the person consuming it and should conform to the standard drink volumes. 

  • Non-alcoholic beverages and food must be made available to guests at no cost. 

  • No drinking games, funnels, luges, or other mechanisms for the rapid consumption of alcohol are permitted. 

*Please note: If an organization's status or its own policy has stricter alcohol policies, those will be in effect and the organization will be held to the standard of those policies. All recognized Tufts fraternities must adhere to the NIC Health and Safety Standards, regardless of their organization’s status with the NIC.    

All other University policies, including the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy, are in effect during all registered events and hosts must plan for their events to be in compliance with these policies.  Further, the location of the event may require compliance with location-specific policies.  For examples, quiet hours in the residence halls will limit the hours of events hosted in the residence halls.  Local chapters of national or international organizations must also comply with the policies and guidelines of the national or international organization they are part of when hosting social events.  

W. Student Driver Policy


The University has several resources to help students and student organizations who have a need for transportation to locations beyond the campus for Tufts sponsored programs and activities. However, University owned vehicles and vehicles rented, leased, or chartered using university funds can never be used for personal reasons. They may be used only for University business which is defined as any activity sponsored by or connected to a university program.

Approved Options

  1. Charter a University vehicle (bus or other) with a driver, from a University approved Charter Company.
  2. Rent a van or automobile from an outside university approved Rental Company (Zip Car, Hertz, etc.)
  3. Tufts-owned vehicle.  

Currently there are no Tufts vehicles available for general student use. Some student organizations own Tufts vehicles, as well as the Athletic Department. These vehicles are not available for use/rent outside of those organizations or the Athletic Department. Student organizations and departments with Tufts owned vehicles must follow all university guidelines for approved drivers. Student participants must pass the on-line Van Driving Test and complete the Student Driver Application to be eligible to borrow and drive these university owned vehicles. Student organizations with university vehicles should work directly with the Office for Campus Life regarding approving new drivers.

Access to Vehicles

Student organizations should visit the Campus Life Financial Office for information on chartering a bus or renting vehicles from an outside company. Teams and Club Sports should see the Athletics Department for more information: 617-627-3232. Individual students looking for various transportation options should visit the Office of Sustainability for various options on getting around outside of campus: 617-627-3191.

Please note: It will be required to get full insurance including collision, driver, and third party, when renting a vehicle for University business.

Privately Owned Vehicles / Insurance Coverage

It is important to note that the university does not provide insurance coverage or indemnification for any accident or mishap involving students, their passengers, or any third party stemming from the use of privately-owned vehicles, even when they are used in connection with Tufts sponsored programs and activities. The driver (and/or the owner) of the private vehicle is wholly responsible for any litigation, financial exposure, or other repercussions that may result from its use. Additionally, passengers should realize that they are not covered by any University indemnification program or policy.

Additional Information

See Our Good Neighbor Guide