Posting Policy
General Guidelines for Student Organizations and Departments
- Posters advertising events sponsored by student organizations and University Departments may be posted on campus only in authorized areas.
- Postings should be attached with tacks or masking tape (Scotch brand adhesive tape, duct tape, glue, and staples are not permitted).
- Organizations may not place their posters such that they obscure the posters of others.
- No more than six total posters (maximum size of 11 x 17) will be allowed per event on the two primary outdoor posting locations on campus which include the Campus Center Breezeway between Bookstore and Mayer campus Center and the walls along the Tisch Library steps.
- Any posting that cannot be immediately and easily removed, such as stickers, paint, spray chalk, is prohibited.
- Projections of images or of messages on any campus properties or areas -including but not limited to the sides of buildings, sidewalks, roofs, landscape, etc. are strictly prohibited.
- Residential Hall posting is limited to Residential Life staff specific to programs and notices for that hall. General posting is not allowed in residence halls. Please refer to the Residential Life Posting Policy.
- Plese refer to the SMFA Posting Policy for guidelines regarding the Fenway Campus.
Authorized Locations
- Designated bulletin boards in academic buildings.
- Designated bulletin boards in non-academic buildings.
- Designated outdoor bulletin boards.
- The walls of the Campus Center breezeway between the Bookstore and the Campus Center.
- The walls along the Tisch Library steps.

Unauthorized Locations
- Any location on campus not specifically designated as an authorized location. Please note that the listings below are provided only as examples, and not as a definitive list.
- Inside any residential building. Please refer to the Residential Life Posting Policy for information on how to promote within a residence hall.
- Building walls or any surfaces, exterior or interior.
- Any entrance, exit, classroom or hallway doors of any campus building.
- Any classroom, lab, or learning space, including walls, whiteboards, and furniture.
- Fences, trees, patios, pavement, sidewalks, steps, handrails, light posts, street signs, trash cans, shuttle stops or Tufts Bike kiosks.
- Bathrooms or bathroom stalls of any campus building.
- Chalking is permissible in outdoor, public areas where it can easily be washed away by rain. Chalking is not permitted in areas inaccessible to rain, such as the walkway between the Campus Center and the Bookstore or any vertical surface such as the sides of buildings, retaining walls, or the backs of steps. There is to be no use of materials other than water-soluble sidewalk brand stick chalk, such as spray chalk.
- No chalking of any kind is allowed on Matriculation Day or Commencement Day without prior approval.

Distribution of Print Materials
- Print publications may only be distributed in the approved media racks across campus buildings.
- Print publications placed in locations other than approved media racks will be removed.
- Door to door canvassing (including to campus residence halls or offices) is prohibited.
No banners may be posted on the exterior of any university buildings, including residence halls and fraternities and sororities, No banners may be hung or draped on trees, lampposts, or other structures, including stakes in the ground. Banners or placards may be held by those participating in an event, rally, or demonstration. Banners may be put out on tables to advertise while tabling at approved campus tabling locations or for the duration of an organization's event.
Off-Campus Advertising
Off-campus businesses, companies vendors must first get approval from the Office for Campus Life. For off-campus housing advertising please visit the Tufts off-campus housing website.