Divorced or Separated Parents
Tufts University upholds the belief that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children. To this end, Tufts requires information from both the custodial parent and the noncustodial parent in order to determine eligibility for Tufts financial assistance.
Determining the Custodial Parent in Cases of Divorce or Separation
For dependent students, custodial parent financial information was previously needed from the parent the student had lived with the most in the last 12 months. Starting with the 2024-2025 FAFSA, financial information will be required from the parent who provided the most financial support to the student. The parent who completed the FAFSA should also complete the CSS Profile as the custodial parent.
The noncustodial parent is required to complete a Noncustodial Parent CSS Profile by creating their own account and submitting the form online. The noncustodial parent is only required to complete the CSS Profile when a student first applies to Tufts for financial aid. Subsequent CSS Profiles will not be required of the noncustodial parent, except in cases of newly separated parents or updated circumstances.
We will use a parent contribution from the institutional methodology (from the analysis of each biological or adoptive parent). While we understand that some families may have a divorce agreement in place, Tufts nevertheless will use our standard policy to determine a total family contribution. Families may take our calculated contribution and apply it to their individual circumstances as they see fit.
If you are a first year applicant and have no contact with your noncustodial parent, you may answer the questions in the CSS Profile to determine if a waiver can be approved.