Complete the Degree Audit Worksheet
As we transition to a new advisement and degree audit system, the Registrar’s office and Tufts Technology Services created a tool to assist students with completing the degree audit worksheets (available in the sidebar on this webpage). The “Degree Progress” page, found under the Academics navigation in SIS, allows students to review all enrollments and choose a requirement from a drop-down to see all courses they have taken that satisfy a given graduation requirement; for example, all the courses that satisfy the Liberal Arts Natural Science requirement.

Review your degree information at the top of the page, noting your expected graduation term, majors and minors, and your degree checkout status.
Please note: You will see your degree checkout status as “applied” once you have applied for your intended graduation in your last academic year at Tufts, and you will see “in review” shortly after you submit your graduation packet in the fall semester prior to your intended graduation.

If any of these details are incorrect, contact Student Services. Processing note: if you recently submitted a major or minor declaration or drop, please allow up to a week for the changes to appear in SIS. Additionally, you do not need to wait for your record to be updated to submit your graduation packet.
Choose a requirement from the drop down to see which courses you’ve taken that satisfy the selected requirement.

You can see the term you took the course, course number, course title, grade (IP for courses in progress) credit earned, if you are waitlisted for the course, all attributes the course meets, and if the credits earned were pre-matriculation credit or the transfer course was approved for an attribute.
Many of the attributes are self-explanatory; however, a full list of the attributes and descriptions is below.
Attribute Code |
Meets Requirement: |
ENGINEERC | SOE Engineering |
MATHSCIEN | SOE Mathematics |
NATURALSCI | SOE Natural Science |
SOCIALSCI | SOE Social Sciences HASS |
Liberal Arts
Attribute Code |
Meets Requirement: |
CWI | Part 1 of College Writing |
CWII | Part 2 of College writing |
FL3+ | Level 3 or higher of language |
FL22+ | Level 22 or higher of language |
AFRICAN | African Culture or Language and Diasporas for Foreign Lang Part II |
CLASSICAL | Classical Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
EASTASIAN | East Asian Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
FRENCH | French Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
GERMANIC | Germanic Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
HISPANIC | Hispanic Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
ITALIAN | Italian Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
JUDAIC | Judaic Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
MIDDLEEAST | Middle Eastern Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
NATIVEAMER | Native American Culture for Foreign Lang Part II |
REGAFRICA | African Culture or Language Region of Origin for Foreign Lang Part II |
REGEASIA | East Asian Culture or Language Region of Origin for Foreign Lang Part II |
REGHISPAN | Hispanic Culture or Language or Region of Origin for Foreign Lang Part II |
REGSEASIA | South/Southeast Asia Culture or Language Region of Origin for Foreign Lang Part II |
RUSSIAN | Russian Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
SIGNLANG | Sign Language or Deaf Culture for Foreign Lang Part II |
SOUTHASIA | South/Southeast Asia Culture or Language for Foreign Lang Part II |
WORLDCIV | World Civilization |
ARTS | Arts |
HUMANITIES | Humanities |
MATHSCIEN | Mathematics |
NATURALSCI | Natural Sciences |
SOCIALSCI | Social Sciences |
BFAARTHIST | Art History for BFA degree |
BFASTUD | Studio Art for BFA Degree |
If any of your courses do not satisfy a requirement, you can petition the appropriate committee to request a course satisfy a particular graduation requirement; you can review the full process here.