2024-2025 FAFSA Changes: Graduate Students

The US Department of Education has made significant changes to the 2024-2025 FAFSA. These changes have caused delays in FAFSA processing which will delay Tufts graduate student financial aid award letters for summer 2024 and fall 2024.  

Though Tufts cannot yet send graduate student financial aid award letters, it is quite simple to determine graduate federal loan eligibility. 

Please see our Types of Aid page which explains that most graduate students who complete a FAFSA are eligible for a $20,500 federal Direct unsubsidized loan and federal work study. There are no federal grants available to graduate students at Tufts. Institutional tuition scholarship (if applicable) is offered by Admissions, and graduate students receive a notice about this funding (if applicable) when they are accepted.

Once we can process FAFSAs, we will send accepted graduate students award letters showing federal unsubsidized loan, work study, and, if applicable, any institutional tuition scholarship offered by Admissions. Students in need of additional financing can apply for the credit-based Direct Grad PLUS loan or private loans.

Please contact your graduate Admissions Office with questions about institutional tuition scholarship. Please contact Student Financial Services with questions about federal loan or work study eligibility.